Saturday, March 22, 2008

our precious gift from God

I know, I know- sorry I kept you hanging... we have been having so much fun with our new son that I haven't had time to blog. Kaden spent the night last night for the first time. He did SO GOOD. Last night it just broke my heart though when I could tell he was acting a little different, sort of grieving. He seems to be doing really well, but I can't help but to put myself in his shoes and think about how hard it would be for someone to take you away from everything you knew and put you in a new place where everything is 'different'. The people are different, they smell different, look different, sound different. The food is different, your bed is different, and you miss your old life that was so comfortable and so good. One thing that his AWESOME foster mother suggested was that we start bringing home some of his toys a little at a time. I could tell that when he walked in yesterday he was excited to see HIS toys- something familiar sitting around in our living room. He had the biggest smile on his face. He slept really well last night, even though sleeping through the night (from what we have heard) is not his strength. He slept from 8:30-5:00 this morning- when he woke up with a bloody nose. We quickly cleaned that up and he fell asleep in my arms again for about an hour and a half longer. He LOVES his big brothers and sisters and they are crazy about him as well. We did see a little jealousy out of Aleigha- which we expected. I assured her she is still the princess (don't worry about Mya- she has no interest in being 'a princess'- she wants to be a 'football player') and that Kaden is the prince. :0) God is good. Kaden gets to spend the rest of today with us, then goes back to his foster parents tonight for his last day with them tomorrow. Monday he will move in with us for good. We are so excited and so blessed by this precious child. I would not change a thing about him- he is exactly what we prayed for and we are so in love it hurts. Thank you Jesus for our son!!!


Recovering Noah said...

Yay!!! I've been so waiting for this post!! I am so happy for your family and for Kaden. God is SO GOOD, isn't He?
I can't wait for you to write more! I hope you all have a fantastic day!!! Looking forward to Monday when Kaden joins your family forever!!

Angel said...

OH AMY!! I just love that top picture. HOW CUTE! That is a pretty good 1st night. If he hadn't waken up with that pesky bloody nose he would have done just fine! He is so crazy precious. I can't stand it. :0) Angel

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! I think I have have checked your blog like 20 times or so to see how everything was going! The pictures are so CUTE, and I can't get over how CUTE he is! I love his smile!!!!
I hope you have a GREAT day with your precious son!

Bonky's Mom said...

Oh, I am just thrilled for you guys! He is just precious and I'm excited to continue seeing God work out His awesome plan in your lives!
