Today our friend David came over to help us get started on expanding our dining area in our kitchen so there is 'room for more'. I can't even believe how easy he makes the work seem and how perfectly it is all coming together. There are no words to say how grateful we are to have his help. As I was watching them work today and thanking God for once again providing for us, this verse came to mind. Each one should use whatever gifts he has received to serve others, faithfully administrating God’s grace in its various forms. 1 peter 4:10
David reaching out and helping us was a true example of how God wants us to be. We haven't even known David all that long, and furthermore, he has never even met Kaden. David just heard of a need and without question- stepped in and helped out. I honestly don't even think he knows what a big deal this was to us. God gave him a talent and out of the goodness of his heart and his love for the Lord- he blessed us with his talent. He could have chosen to spend his Saturday in a million different ways(like with his own family!) and I am sure a lot of them would have been a lot more fun- but he didn't. He chose to serve others with his time and efforts. I'm embarrassed to admit that there have been times where I would not have made that choice. Times that I chose to serve myself instead of someone else-putting my own agenda before theirs. Lord forgive me when I fail you in such an ugly way. Help me to always remember David's example and yours~ for today, I saw you in David. Thank you Lord.
That is so wonderful. Very impressive and such a good example to us. I am so excited for you guys!! :0) Angel
That looks so great! I can't wait to come over and see it.
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