Friday, August 6, 2010

20 years ago...

God blessed me with my first born son.

I was young and I had no idea what I was doing. And yet, when they placed this precious child into my arms something inside of me changed. For the first time I felt a love so raw and so deep I knew that nothing about me would ever be the same.

I know I didn't always get it right, but somehow this incredible baby boy grew into such an amazing young man and I could not be more proud.

Travis, thank you for this indescribable gift of motherhood. Thank you for teaching me to look deep inside myself at who I wanted and needed to be for you- and thank you for being patient with me as I got there. Thank you for being exactly the way you are-for not being afraid to stand up for what is right and for the wonderful example to all of your younger brothers and sisters. The way you continuously live your life with such integrity and such faith has taught me so much- and I am forever thankful that God blessed me with you.

I love you my precious first born son and no matter where this world takes you, you will always be my baby boy. Stay true to who you are- because you are the best.

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9

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Sophie said...

Such a handsome son you have Amy and what a blessing he is.

Unknown said...

Love that photo of him!

Love your heart and all the ways you love your children!

Happy 20th Birthday to you both!


Dardi said...

His birthday is the 6th?! So is Kaya's! Hope everybody had a happy day...we did!

Love you ~ Dardi

Intentional Living Homestead said...

You have a gorgeous son...great photo.

Happy Birthday.

Chantelle said...

(and you really aren't game for some kind of arranged marriage scenario?) ;)

Andrea Hill said...

Happy Birthday! What a handsome young man he has become. I was exactly the same age when I gave birth to my firstborn, Anastasia:) Love you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Travis!!! Great picture!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You made me cry.