We have a whole lotta new things going on around here and we have been BUSY. The big kids started back to school- I now have a college Sophomore (almost Junior), a High school Senior, a Freshman and a 7th grader. And, at home we have officially started homeschooling- and I am LOVIN it. :) However, it is taking me a bit to get used to our new 'normal'. Because this is my first time homeschooling, I am still working out the kinks. Thankfully my kids don't seem to notice and are having a great time as well.
We chose to do Classical Conversations- and I am beyond excited. We go one time a week (I am in the classroom with the kids) and the rest of the week we work on what we were taught there, in addition to lots of math, reading, bible lessons, fun crafts and we are doing Spanish (Rosetta Stone) at home as well. I fully admit I still feel pretty inadequate- but I am trying my best and enjoying every second of have the privilege of teaching my children. Being in charge of what goes into their heads (and hearts) all day is such a gift.
I promise as soon as I get a free minute I will work on completing the Reluctant Husband Syndrome part 2 post for those of you who have been asking. :)

I just have to say I have been so inspired by your blog! I have 5 kids, 2 foster adopt, and 3 bio....and we started homeschooling this year as well, and we love it :) Thanks so much for all you share, and especially your passion for God and orphans, I have learned about many great organizations through your blog....Praise God for compassionate people like you :)
You did it! Welcome to homeschooling. The blessings will come over the long haul. Enjoy the ride. And yes, the new normal takes awhile although it seems like every season brings another new normal. :)
Congrats on homeschooling. It is an adventure. I attended a CC event, but we chose not to do it, I did love it though! www.andersonacademyadventures.blogspot.com is my homeschooling blog. I love reading others homeschool adventures. Have a great year!
Also, I should mention, I think your family is amazing! You are an inspiration. We are foster-to-adopt parents. We're on our second placement, but so far no forever children.
You are going to be a great homeschool teacher Amy! Where you are weak, HE is strong :) It will be accomplished by HIS power and to HIS glory!
I always wonder if your kids could get any cuter and then they DO!
Can't wait until WE have another cutie to photograph around here! ;)
First, we did notice you were "gone" and I'm so glad you've "returned"!
Second, praying for your homeschooling journey...knowing that God will equip you!
Can't wait to follow throughout the year!
OK stealing those recipes. Take heart- I don't think there is any home schooling mom who really thinks they have it all together- DEFINITELY NOT ME!!! But is sure is fun.
The Mama D family is here- heard they got to drop by your place earlier. We just spent many hours at the pool, and all our kids are having a bit of quiet time before the party begins (soonish). Love it :)
Are you homeschooling your highschoolers too? Just curious. :) I hope you guys have a great year.
What an amazing family you have!! I, too, feel the nudge toward homeschooling (though I have a few years to go). May God bless & multiply the heart-and-soul your are pouring into your children!!
I have spent the last few days reading through your blog, talk about INSPIRATIONAL! Thanks so much for putting your heart into this blog and sharing your amazing family with us all :)
I love the breakfast burrito idea - can't wait to try that! Some mornings just don't feel like cereal mornings, and I usually don't feel like cooking up eggs at 7 a.m.
YOu can't do wrong by homeschooling your batch of beauties! I love every moment I spend with my 11 year old! This is our third year homeschooling and I am LOOKING forward to it! Congrats on making the step that will forever change YOU and your children's hearts!
If you ever need anything - please let me know...
ps there are some great homeschooling magazines out there for the newbie in you....
Please be sure to post the results of your breakfast cookie - I have tried several recipes, but haven't found anything they love.
Enjoy homeschooling your little ones. When things get rough and all else fails, just have fun.
Amy, I've got an easier way than a crock-pot to make LOTS of yogurt all at once. Let me know if you want a crash course. :)
Welcome to the world of homeschooling!!
We have found special challenges with our adopted treasures, but we know we are in the right place.
And we have successfully graduated 3 who are and have done well in college.
Enjoy every moment.
Good luck with the homeschooling! Cannot wait to hear more about it in your blog!
Welcome to CC! Our family is starting our 3rd year there, and we really like it.
And we're using Rosetta Stone Spanish at home, too!
Home schooling is exhausting but great fun - I wouldn't miss this time of togetherness with our boys for anything... even if it does require a hefty amount of coffee first thing in the morning! :)
Particularly a great way to ensure that attachment our kids-by-adoption most need for a healthy life-foundation!
WOW!!! Lovin' your blog...inspired me to start my own. Not sure my words will motivate hearts like yours....but let's see what God does with it! We are a missions family made up of 9 people brought together by God! 5 by adoption...1 by Marriage (my dear husband, all the way from India) and 2 by birth. Then there's me....a girl who dared to dream God had a big plan for her life. We are by grace, building a school in Northeast India. We have home schooled for years. This year my older 4 are attending a charter high school.
I "stole" your Anonymous quote atop your blog page....posted it on my FB. I love that!!!! Convicted me all over again...drove me to my knees!
By the way....I have a recipe for breakfast cookies that my kids LOVE!!!! BEG me to make them...
THANK YOU...for bearing your heart with me.
Yeah! You did it! Welcome to homeschooling. As I was viewing the pics of little ones under your feet while schooling, I thought of a blog you might like to read. www.preschoolersandpeace.com. She is a homeschool mom that does Classical style as well. She has a large family and has always had littles ones around. It's got some great organizations tips and ideas of how to keep little ones happy while you are schooling the older ones! Thanks for keeping your blog up even in your busyness!
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