My poor little Chip In for the Pass It Forward Adoption Fund was feeling really, really lonely lately. I admit, it was a little depressing because I hadn't seen it's numbers go up in quite some time.
A couple of months ago I wrote a check for $10,000 to the Riggs family (thank you all who helped with that!) for their adoption, and since then have been praying and asking God what now? We still have another $10,000 to raise to pass on to another family (or perhaps divide it between several families?) who are in the process of adopting. I have been throwing around several fundraising ideas- and plan on doing another fundraiser soon.
But just a couple of days ago, out of the blue, I noticed the donation amount climb $100!!! I was so excited- and sure enough a sweet lady whom I don't even know gave that generous amount.
But it gets even better- I checked her blog and she is going to be giving away a $50 gift card to someone who makes a donation to my Pass It Forward Adoption Fund OR to another family who is fundraising also. Their blog is
Seriously- does it get any cooler than that?
All you have to do is make a donation and your name will be in the drawing to win!
Can I just tell you how touched I am that someone who I don't even know would do something like this just cause they care?
So thank you Danae for being the kind of person you are. There are so many things you could be doing with your money and with your time and you chose to come along side of someone you don't even know to support and encourage them. What a amazing blessing you truly are.
And, I couldn't help but notice the verse you have at the top of your blog...
Our love must not be a thing of words and fine talk. It must be a thing of action and sincerity. 1 John 3:18
You, my friend, are living out the very words of God by your actions- and that is so very cool to see. :)
Now go ahead- make a donation and get yourself in the drawing to win $50!!!

Tina is amazing Amy! I adore her and every one of our children have a doll specially made for them by her!
Love the Pass it Forward fund!
Love you,
Amy, Bless you for raising $10,000.00 for the Riggs family and to all the contributors! Amen to all your rice and beans days too. Can't wait how quickly this next 10,000 will grow. You are such a giving person and I love you for it!
Oh, oh, can I PLEASE let you know of a great adoption need that is happening this week? You might have heard of it already, but this has been so heavy on my heart I hope you will forgive me for BEGGING you to check this link out if you have not yet decided on the recipient for the $10,000:
This is a case unlike most, and at this point it all just comes down to money, which is so heartbreaking. Would you please, please consider this family as your recipient? If so, I will GLADLY add our family's contribution to the fund as well!
Thanking you in advance for following the link trail to get the story.
Yours, Blessed
love this! What a good idea! I'll go visit her blog....
love this! What a good idea! I'll go visit her blog....
Amy, thank you so much for your comment on the blog about sweet Gaby. What a blessing your passion for kids is to me. Thank you for all you do. I am amazed by all that putting love into action can teach us. Thank you for encouraging others to think outside themselves.
Amy, our goal is to help raise funds for families who are adopting. I would absolutely love to donate either some jewelry, cards, or baby gift items to help the family that will receive your generous gift. Please let me know how I can help.
We are also in the process of adopting, so we understand completely the cost involved, and what it entails.
Thanks for all you do. I am so happy to have found your blog!
Many blessings,
I love this. I love your heart for the orphan, the pass it forward, and the help of complete strangers. Truly amazing to see the Body of Christ work together.
Amy, that was sweet of you to hunt me down to respond to my comment earlier--I did not mean to make it that difficult, I was just not expecting a reply! : ) But thank you for your response. I see now how my mind and heart jumped when I read this entry and so I misunderstood what you were saying--that you don't have the next love gift ready now but are working on it. But still, I hope you and your readers, who care immensely about the orphans of this world, will take a moment to check out this family's urgent story:
This one is different than the one I posted earlier, and gives the first part of the story.
Thank you for all you blog about, and for all you are doing to make the world more beautiful in the name of Jesus! : )
Danae is my friend that I introduced to your blog!!! She's amazing!
Makes my heart melt to find this! :)
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