God blessed us with our first daughter. And these past 15 years have been some of the best in my life.
Thank you for making my life so sweet just by being in it. When I am around you I cannot help but smile- one of those big huge goofy kinds of smiles. The way you live your life inspires me to do so much more with mine. Your heart moves me and your faith challenges me. I look at you and know without a doubt that God has big plan for you my sweet baby girl- and He has already begun to put them into play.Thank you for making your days count. Thank you for caring about the least of these and for being willing to sacrifice the things of this world so that they can have more (you know what I mean). I adore you Addie cakes!!!
When I asked Addisyn what she was wanting for her birthday she wanted nothing for herself. Her biggest desire is for the children attending Adami Tulu Preschool in Ethiopia to have uniforms, book bags, school supplies and shoes. Please consider making a donation to Lifesong and tell them it's for the Adami Tulu preschool.
Also, you can go here and here for some awesome jewelry with a cool story behind it or some adorable children's clothes- and a portion of their sales will go for the preschool as well! Thanks Ladies for your serving hearts!!!!
Happy Birthday Addisyn- we love you sweet girl!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADDY!! Wow, the big 15...very exciting! You are a beautiful young woman and I love to see your eagerness to help others. May God Bless you this new year of your life!
Blessings and hugs,
(16 tomorrow!)
Happy Birthday, Addisyn!! I love your TOMS ;) And your heart!!
Happy Birthday Sweet Addie!
I love that you and Lexi share almost the same birthday - you two are so much alike!
Your heart for God makes me smile so big and I love how you are so willing to give Him all of yourself at such a precious age!
Shine Bright! Laugh Hard! Live for Him and Love like there is no tomorrow!
Happy Birthday to you as well Amy!
Love to you both!
Happy Birthday, Addisyn! Keep shining that beautiful light of yours!! :o)
Happy Birthday Addy! You inspire me too. Your parents are very blessed!
Your daughter is beautiful on the inside and out!
Happy Birthday Wishes from Hong Kong,
Happy birthday to your sweet girl, you must be so proud of her!
Happy Birthday, Addie! You are such an inspiration. We would be honored to make a contribution to Lifesong in honor of your birthday.
Phyllis & Kristen
August 14 must be one awesome day to have awesome kids...I had my firstborn on this day 8 years ago and am in awe at the love and passion he already has for God at his tender age. Happy birthday to Addisyn and may the year to come be filled with abundant blessings!
Happy Birthday Addisyn!!!
Happy birthday, Addie!!! We love you and are so privileged to call you friend. You're an amazing girl with an amazing heart. Keep being who God created you to be. Can't wait to see what He has in store for you in the years to come. Love ya!
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