I woke up this morning, opened one eye and took a peek at my alarm clock. Realizing I only had a few minutes of sleep left I went ahead and turned off the alarm. I laid in bed for a few more moments- half in and half out of sleep. Suddenly I was jolted by a loud voice saying "GO."
Now, there was a time in my life when I would have questioned if that was the Lord, and well, I still did today. I sat up thinking "Is that really you Lord?" I know you all probably think I am crazy (but I figure you are either reading my blog because you like crazy or because you are probably a little crazy too) but the voice was so loud and so clear I had to get up. I decided that if it truly was God there was something he wanted me to know. So, I began to walk around the house checking on each child and making sure everything was okay. Sure enough, everyone was in their beds and sound asleep. I turned on the coffee pot and then sat down to have some time with the Lord. It was then that I knew for sure He was sending affirmation to me-we are to 'go'.
And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. Mark 16:15
Part of the reason my blog has been so quiet lately, besides the fact that we just took on homeschooling and have nine children ;o) is because we have seen a lot of changes in our lives lately. A couple of weeks ago- my husband and I, together, felt the Lord calling us to full time missions work. We are totally in the beginning stages- researching, asking questions, praying, seeking, asking more questions, praying a ton more and seeking God's face. We truly have no idea where, when, or how. All we know is that our life experiences has shown us that when God calls- we must be obedient. The good thing in not having a clue what we are doing is that we can rest assure it is ALL God and not at ALL us when things fall into place. I like it that way. I like knowing that the ball is in His court and He can be completely trusted. Does that mean it will be easy? Not at all- it just means that no matter what comes our way- good or bad- we can rest in knowing it was a part of His plan and a part of His purpose.
Because while there is a lot I don't know... one thing I DO know is that when they say God doesn't call those who are have it all together or have it all figured out- they were not jokin. ;0) We fully admit- we have no clue what we are doing. We have a heart for orphans, we desire to live our life fully for Christ, and we are willing. That's about all we have going for us. No training, no second language, no skills that anybody would probably find worth having. Don't sound very promising do we? LOL But we have said yes to the call anyway- and we are willing to do whatever it is God asks of us. I have no idea why He chose us, but who are we to question the king of the universe?
As details begin to fall into place- or as they don't- I will keep you all updated. I just felt that this morning God was affirming to me that we are indeed to go- and as our pastor told us, one of the first steps of obedience is making it public. And well, I figure it doesn't get any more public for me than this. (Hello out there!) So, if you feel led to pray for our family, give any advice, or have any words of wisdom- we would more than appreciate it. Life is such a journey and I cannot wait to share this journey with you.
And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. Mark 16:15
Part of the reason my blog has been so quiet lately, besides the fact that we just took on homeschooling and have nine children ;o) is because we have seen a lot of changes in our lives lately. A couple of weeks ago- my husband and I, together, felt the Lord calling us to full time missions work. We are totally in the beginning stages- researching, asking questions, praying, seeking, asking more questions, praying a ton more and seeking God's face. We truly have no idea where, when, or how. All we know is that our life experiences has shown us that when God calls- we must be obedient. The good thing in not having a clue what we are doing is that we can rest assure it is ALL God and not at ALL us when things fall into place. I like it that way. I like knowing that the ball is in His court and He can be completely trusted. Does that mean it will be easy? Not at all- it just means that no matter what comes our way- good or bad- we can rest in knowing it was a part of His plan and a part of His purpose.
Because while there is a lot I don't know... one thing I DO know is that when they say God doesn't call those who are have it all together or have it all figured out- they were not jokin. ;0) We fully admit- we have no clue what we are doing. We have a heart for orphans, we desire to live our life fully for Christ, and we are willing. That's about all we have going for us. No training, no second language, no skills that anybody would probably find worth having. Don't sound very promising do we? LOL But we have said yes to the call anyway- and we are willing to do whatever it is God asks of us. I have no idea why He chose us, but who are we to question the king of the universe?
As details begin to fall into place- or as they don't- I will keep you all updated. I just felt that this morning God was affirming to me that we are indeed to go- and as our pastor told us, one of the first steps of obedience is making it public. And well, I figure it doesn't get any more public for me than this. (Hello out there!) So, if you feel led to pray for our family, give any advice, or have any words of wisdom- we would more than appreciate it. Life is such a journey and I cannot wait to share this journey with you.

Chills, I got chills. I call them "Holy Ghost bumps." :) I will pray for your family and God's direction for your lives. Many blessings!
Wow, that's so incredible. I really respect and admire people that are so obedient to the Lord's calling in their life.
I've seen God work in amazing ways in my life this past year through fostering my two little (foster) sisters. God has such a neat plan and it makes me excited for the surprises He's going to bring into my life in the future if I can be obedient to Him.
I'll be looking forward to updates from your family!
Amy- Your blog encourages me so much. Our family is on our first adoption journey and we are also wondering about "going." We will be praying for you. Thanks for writing from your heart! Also, is there any way I can paste your adoption to abortion image on my blog. The message is so needed! Blessings, Robin
praying for God to lead you and direct you. for Him to open the doors He wants open and to make them clear to you, and to close the doors He wants closed.
oh my, Amy. you just have no idea. this just brought back the memories of the beginning of this year when i was in the exact same position as you (except single and 22). God totally moved and showed me exactly where to go and what to do. He opened very specific doors and closed others. if He did it for me, He can definitely do it for your family. and as soon as i knew what He wanted me to do i told everyone. you're right with the obedience part. definitely. it was a way of saying i'm trusting You, God, even though this is unfamiliar to me. You said "GO" and i'm going. and that means instant obedience and trust.
i'm praying for you guys. love you!
Awesome Amy! We are in a bit the same boat and trusting that God will lead the way!
Praying for you as you "Go"!
I can’t wait to travel this journey with you also!! So excited for the adventure for ya’ll!
Ahh, Amy!! SO exciting! Can't wait to see where God leads you...and praying in the meantime!
Hi Amy! Ive been reading your blog for a few months now. My husband and i became interested in adoption a few months ago and your blog has been a wealth of knowledge. I attend Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY and there has been quite calling recently for people to look toward full time mission work! It is inspiring and I will be praying for your family!
Can't wait to hear where God is leading your family! We've also felt the tug on our hearts as we are learning and growing so much through our adoption journey. Always love reading your blog - thank you for always being so open and honest! It's refreshing and encouraging
PRAYING! For where, why, what, and how to be led totally by God's Hands. To show you exactly what to do for HIM. I am sure it will be amazing. PRAYING!!!
Can't even wait to see how He reveals the rest to you friend!!
HeeHee...Every time I see you have a new post, I hold my breath b/c I know you will be speaking the truth boldly, & I know I will be challenged by that! But, yes, I read anyway b/c I'm just crazy like that, too.
But are you sure one of the first steps of obedience is going public? I was kind of hoping to just keep this latest leap of faith under our hat & then go for the shock & awe. No? ;o) You're killin' me, here, crazy friend, but I love you anyway!
Can't wait to hear about where the Lord is leading you! Your family will definitely be in our thoughts and prayers. I had a similar experience this spring when I heard a voice tell me (right before my alarm went off as well!), "Adoption is no longer one, but two." Didn't know exactly what that meant, but we changed our adoption parameters to include siblings. Or maybe someday we're supposed to adopt again. Either way, it's so exciting to listen to and follow God's will! Blessings!
You know I'm crazy like that too!
Praying with you! Praying for you! Praying that with each step of obedience your family draws that much closer to God!
I can't wait to see all the ways He blesses you and uses you!
So excited! Trusting Him for great things to come!
He doesn't call the equipped. He equips the call. Welcome to answering that call once again!
Love you!
We will be praying for you over here at the Funks and can't wait to hear to hear more of God's work in your lives!
Awesome! Exciting! I've always thought missionary work was amazing...and God certainly can use you! Can't wait to hear how this all turns out!
Wow!! So exciting! I love that God has called ya'll both to this so clearly! Praise God!! I know He is going to use ya'll in some amazing ways...He already is!
Whoo hoo! Been thinking about you loads, Amy. I'm dying to hear what God has in store for you... though I'm sure you're anxious to find out, too. =) I'm going to have to live vicariously through you on this journey, so continue to go public with the news and let us know each step of the way. I'm on pins and needles to find out where "we're" going. lol
Love ya!
Leslie =)
I will pray for you, as my husband and I find ourselves in a very similar situation. I am terrified and I surely am not worthy - I am simply trying to trust in my all-trust-worthy God! The lack of trust does not lie in Him...but in my fear. Anxiously, I will continue to follow your journey to see where God leads you. Funny thing, I just "came out" on my blog, as well!
This is beauiful. I will be praying for you and your beautiful family. Can't wait to hear...I love when God calls and people obey...what an incredible PRAISE to our Lord.
I have been quietly following your blog for a few months now, after finding it through a friend of a friend. I always enjoy reading what you have to write as it is very encouraging, so now I suppose it's my chance to encourage you!
I am a missionary in Thailand and I came here because the Holy Spirit told me that if I wanted a specific group of people here in Thailand to be reached I was to come! I had few skills beyond a year spent in India and a BS in Finance degree -- I help with microfinance organizations. I didn't know Thai or much of anything. After 5 months of telling God "I can't go. I miss my family in the states" -- I was still in India at the time -- I finally said, "Okay, God I'll go, but you really need to stick with me through this!"
I am so grateful for how patient our God is, and how He graciously and gently leads us along when we are willing to go for Him!
Is it always easy? No. However, I can't imagine trading it for anything! Language comes. Cultural lessons come. Finances are miraculously provided for, and
there is the opportunity to depend on God more than ever before!!
Whether you are called to stay state-side in missions or go overseas, the best place to be is at the center of God's Will!
God bless you all, and keep us updated!
I love this! Cannot wait to hear more about your new adventure and journey
Amy, what incredible news!! I can hardly think of an announcement you could make that would be more exciting. We'll be praying for you guys as you seek the Lord's direction and can't wait to hear how He leads you and works through you!!
Yay! Sooo excited for you. I kowwhat happened to us when God said "GO!". I can't wait to see God work in and through you and your family.
SO excited to watch all the God does through this:)
Can't think of any words of advice or wisdom, but I can certainly pray! In fact, I'd love to pray with you about this.
Amy & Family,
I can't begin to tell you how much you mean to me personally. I am so very excited for you and am thankful to be a small part of walking this journey with you through prayer and encouragement. All the who, what, where, when and why's will become more and more as the day approaches. "And you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea and to Samaria and the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8
Amy & Family,
I can't begin to tell you how much you mean to me personally. I am so very excited for you and am thankful to be a small part of walking this journey with you through prayer and encouragement. All the who, what, where, when and why's will become more and more as the day approaches. "And you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea and to Samaria and the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8
Just found your blog a few days ago and am very inspired by it already!! Thank you for sharing your call and I will definitely be praying for you and your family! I am feeling God tugging on my heart for missions too, not sure when, where, or how..but just trusting in Him for that sometime, somewhere, and somehow!! :)
Looking forward to following your journey and seeing where God leads you!
WOW - Love how God gets our attention. Please keep us posted as you have those confirming moments!!!
WOW, how amazing!! My suggestion is you open an orphanage!! Our longtime babysitters family are followers of Christ and they run an orphanage in Tawain City, Taiwan. Have been for years! The sad and crazy thing about that is in Tawain another man can not father another man's children. Marriage status is so important in China that mothers are willing to give their children away just to be able to marry again. They have TONS of babies that are left on the door step without a hesitation, toddlers, older children, every age you can think of! Our sitter was over there helping her grandparents last year from December until March and they had 27 babies(under 1) plus all the older kids too. They used to have a waiting list for people to adopt babies, but there are so many right now, they can't find enough families.
I think you should of course pray about where you should go of course and get the Lords blessing on it, and then open an orphanage or find one that is looking for a family to run it! Prayers and more prayers for this wonderful adventure!
So proud of your obedience, Amy and family! We love y'all so much, and we know God will show you the way. He always does, and all He asks is for your obedience. He is faithful, as you know. Well done, good and faithful servant, well done.
PS We will, of course, NEED to come visit you on the mission field!!! Can you say MISSION TRIP?!? :-)
So proud of your obedience, Amy and family! We love y'all so much, and we know God will show you the way. He always does, and all He asks is for your obedience. He is faithful, as you know. Well done, good and faithful servant, well done.
PS We will, of course, NEED to come visit you on the mission field!!! Can you say MISSION TRIP?!? :-)
PPS Is that Chrissie's Boss Your Heart necklace that you're wearing in your photos?!? I'm thinking it is, and can I just say THANK YOU! (If it's not, that's OK, I just felt this surge of excitement as God just happened to draw my eyes directly to your necklace after I left a comment here for you a minute ago.) I LOVE the updated blog photos. Precious. Hoping I can find the time to update ours as well. I took beach photos of everyone, just needing some time to update the blog! :-) Love you, miss you and can't wait to see you SOON!
WOW, what amazing, exciting news! I have no advice or words of wisdom, but certainly will be praying for you all. Can't wait to see where this journey leads you.
My wife and I just recently responded to God's call to "Go" in our own lives and we are now on our journey to Africa. Thanks for the encouraging post by another "crazy" person out there who hears and responds to the Lord. May God bless you as you seek His leading in your life.
Wow - another thing our hearts share. We prepared for 5+ years to do missions work to unreached people in North Africa. We took break to adopt (which took longer and has taken much longer than we thought to get them healthy) and now all the workers are being thrown out of our target country.
One thing that most missionaries have in common is the class called "Pathways" or it used to be called "Perspectives" - offered world wide. For us it was great - learning so many different aspects of missions and where the need is (excellent for older kids to take with you). It really challenged our thinking and commitment. Also, if you haven't read "Let the Nations Be Glad" by John Piper - it is a must read. Oh - I can't tell you how much our hearts beat cross-cultural missions - especially to the unreached.
Hi Amy...this comment is completely unrelated to this post (sorry) - didn't know how else to get in touch with you. I'd like to put your blog badge on my blog, but the htlm code in the box below it (on your blog), does not appear to be working (for me, anyways)! Could you send me the html code (if this one is possibly not the entire code)?
Thanks...keep up your great posts! You're such an inspiration!
Tara (from New Brunswick, Canada)
OH MY, how rude of me....I used this post to comment on to get information from you(without even reading it) - shame on me!!!
WOW...very exciting news, scary as well. Praying for you and your family Amy on such a big decision. It's funny, because this is how we kinda felt when our hearts were opening up about an international adoption. It's a dangerous surrender moment when you have to say 'yes' before you know the how, why, when.... (for me, anyway)!!!
Best of luck with finding peace/ conclusion with your decision.
You honestly inspire me.
How do you do all that you do?
So giving and unselfish.
And completely surrendering to God.
You and your husband are awesome.
Amy, God has been moving in my life extrodinarily in the past year. I'm blessed to have discovered your site and others like it. The Holy Spirit has moved in me to contact you and let you know that wherever your family ends up "mission wise" I'd like to donate quilts I make to the orphans you serve. I will be faithfully praying for you and your family and look forward to seeing where God leads you.
I can't wait to follow your journey!
So thankful for you, Amy, and your blog! "Here I am, send me!" has been the cry of my heart for the past year. God is raising up people all over the world for His Kingdom's sake! It will be a great joy to watch and He continues to work and move in your life! What an exciting adventure! We are in the homestudy process with a reluctant case worker, who is having a hard time understanding how we will survive adopting a sibling group of 4 when we have 3 sons already. I wish I could give her my blog roll (which I just might do, now that I mention it). Anyhow - I'll be praying for you in your new homeschool journey(we homeschool, too) as well as for wisdom and the Holy Spirit's leading in your ministry. Blessings!
i will be praying!!! i understand the feelings you are having. after we began this journey, i KNEW He calls those that don't have it all together FOR SURE!!! i feel very ill-equipped, but i have more peace than ever as we begin this journey! we leave sunday for our new lives in south africa- caring for and raising orphans in our family and everything else HE has planned. quite exciting!
can't wait to see where HE leads your family!!!!
wow amy! so glad i am catching up a bit. so huge! our God is amazing. praying for you guys. darci
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