But better yet- she said if the total reached $300 she would up that gift card amount to $75!!!!
Did you see???
Every single cent of that that money will go to another family to help them bring home their adopted child!!
That is what it's all about my friends! People coming along side others who have a heart for adoption- doing what they can- doing what God calls them to do- TOGETHER.
We all know what a struggle it is to raise the funds to adopt internationally- and doing it all alone is even harder.
Won't you please consider giving a donation of any size today and you could be the lucky winner of a $75 gift card!!!! Every bit counts. Let's make a difference in the life of a child together!
Thanks Danae- your example blesses me!!!!

Holy smokes!! I love it!! All these people are donating!! But no one is commenting. Maybe they commented here. I'll check before I do the drawing tomorrow to make sure :)
Glad to see your total rising!! It is awesome that you guys are helping others to be able to adopt!
And also amazing to see the way God brings the money in!
Hi Danae!!! Thank you again! YOU are such a blessing!!! Girl, your heart blows me away! I have the names of those who are donating so I will forward them to you now. THANKS AGAIN for being such an amazing example and such a HUGE blessing! LOVE YOU!!!
How close are you to your goal? The link on your sidebar won't load for me :(
I just wanted to say God is amazingly working through you. I am inspired everyday when I read your blog. I hope you don't mind but I shared your blog with some FB friends. Within 4 hours I had someone contact me about adoption. They said God had been talking to them and have been ignoring the call. After reading your blog posts, they are ready to move forward : )
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