4 years ago you came into this world under circumstances that were less than ideal.
But God...
God saw- and His heart broke-so He went to work.
He worked and He weaved and He brought forth a miracle in our lives- YOU.
Every day we have with you in our lives is a gift.
Through every smile, every laugh, every hug- we experience the blessing of you.
You, my precious son, have brought us more happiness than we could have ever imagined.
But God...
God saw- and His heart broke-so He went to work.
He worked and He weaved and He brought forth a miracle in our lives- YOU.
Every day we have with you in our lives is a gift.
Through every smile, every laugh, every hug- we experience the blessing of you.
You, my precious son, have brought us more happiness than we could have ever imagined.
You, my precious son, have taught us more about life and loving than we ever thought possible.
You, my precious son, have made us aware of the presence of God more than ever before.
You, my precious son, are a gift to this world.
And we are humbled that God allowed us the privilege of loving you.
Happy 4th Birthday Kaden- we treasure you.
Happy 4th Birthday Kaden- we treasure you.
You are indeed a precious child of the King of Kings. That makes you a prince, I do believe! Happy Birthday, Kaden!
Happy birthday, Kaden! Hope you have lots of fun being 4!
Happy Birthday, Kaden...Did you know God smiled the day you were born? :) He has great plans for you!!!
Have a wonderful day watching the people who LOVE you dearly celebrate YOU!!!
Happy birthday to your sweet treasure, what a beautiful boy he is.
Happy Birthday, Kaden! Your life has changed the lives of so many other kids! God has a great big big big plan for you.
Much love to all the Blocks!
He puts the moosh in mamush!
Celebrating one of God's chosen ones. What a great day it is indeed! Happy birthday and many blessings be poured out on this sweet little man. You are raising up warriors for the Kingdom!
Happy Birthday, Kaden! He is GORGEOUS, as always!
Hope your day is filled with fun!
What a beautiful little boy, and how lucky to have a family that loves and treasures him as much as you do! With that love, he will go and conquer the world!! Happy Birthday!! Our little guy, Deng, just turned 5 last week- it's such a fun age!
Beautiful! I understand and shared our sons 4th Gotcha day today!
Love you and miss you!
Happy 4th Birthday, Kaden! You are so very precious, chosen by the King of Kings, and delivered by His mercy and grace into your forever family who treasures and cherishes you just as your Abba Father does.
Amy, I LOVE that photo. You are truly so talented. Amazing talent. Thanks for using your gifts and talents to bring glory to the King, and thanks for saying YES when others would have said no. And thanks for being a mom who cherishes her true blessings, her children. They will rise up and call you blessed. Well done good and faithful servant.
Happy birthday to your sweet Kaden!
Happy birthday to your sweet Kaden!
Just wanted to let you know I have loved reading your blog....I gave you a blog award on my blog...no need to follow the rules, but I wanted you to know how much I love what you have to say!!!
Happy Birthday Kaden!!!
Hope you are doing well.
Happy Birthday, Kaden! I love you!
Happy Birthday Big Boy! God made you sooooo precious. Love, Auntie Shell :)
Happy Birthday precious Kaden. You truly are a miracle!
Happy Birthday, sweet Kaden! You are a precious little boy.
He always has the most beautiful smile. Happy Birthday sweet boy!
happy birthday kaden!!
Happy Birthday Kaden! You are such an incredible blessing to everyone who knows you.
I love him Mrs. Amy!! Happy birthday Kaden!
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