Thursday, September 17, 2009


you can actually see someones heart through their smile...

image signature


Anonymous said...

aww...I miss her! she is such a beautiful girl...inside and out!


Anonymous said...

gosh amy, she is beautiful and she has a beautiful heart! Just like her mama.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Lopez said...

Beautiful, clean and sincere smile; that's what I see from this angle. You seem to have a great family.

Debbie T said...

Addisyn is beautiful inside and out! I've seen that heart of hers in action! Love these pictures!

Unknown said...

Tell Addisyn hi from Lexi!

Lexi is thrilled to have met her even through emails!

She is absolutely beautiful inside and out!

Oh her heart shines JOY and LOVE!

Hugs precious friend,

Bethany said...

Beautiful :)

Bethany said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Cari said...

beautiful pictures and wonderful thought!

Doreen said...

Amy, Addisyn is just gorgeous!! the pictures are perfect... i know she has a huge heart like her mom..