Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rice and beans day 13

Is it possible to fall head over heals in love with someone (again) over a plate of rice and beans?
Cause if so, I'm done covered in soy sauce. :0)

To my precious husband, thank you for your heart. Thank you for being willing to look past your every day wants and desires and see the big picture. Thank you for standing by my side, sharing my passion and never once loosing sight of who this is all about- Him.
I cannot image ever doing life without you because with you by my side and God at our center- I know nothing will ever be impossible.
I love you.

image signature


Sande said...

Awweee ... {chokes} ...

.... how ONE is that.

natali said...

awww!! such a sweet post!

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

AMEN to our wonderful families- husbands who totally love God's Heart on adoption! Soooo wonderful!!!! I totally agree!!

Andrea Hill said...

Amy I love you and and your husband sooo much. You are setting such wonderful example. And yes I believe in falling in love all over again over rice and beans!!!

Adeye said...

How blessed you are, friend. Funny, I just posted about my dear hubby tonight too. God is obviously reminding us both how MUCH we have to be thankful for :)

Shonni said...

What a precious picture...and I so understand the love thing...I'm thinking that we have two wonderful men!

Anonymous said...

Wow Amy...brought a tear to my eye. I love you and you whole family.

Todd was so sweet today at church, making small talk with Lee.

Unknown said...

How precious!


Hugs and love to you both!

Your commitment and obedience are speaking volumes to your children!!!!


Recovering Noah said...

Oh, Amy. Todd's looking goood! Tell him that I'm going to have to start serving Sim some beans and rice. lol heehee

God has certainly blessed you with a wonderful and amazing family. Honestly, ya'll are such an inspiration!!

Leslie :-)

Dardi said...

**REAL** love stories...great stuff!!!

Love you ~ Dardi

Gardenia said...

wow, you guys are really hangin' in there. I'm impressed! that is a huge sacrifice.

Kelli said...


~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

so very beautiful. xo