Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fall treasures...

It's officially fall and I love it. I love the crisp fall air, the leaves changing colors and football season.
But most of all, I love these...

Apparently though, I am not the only one in the family who feels this way...

Happy Fall Ya'll!
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Carissa said...

Happy Fall!!! it was great meeting you and your family the other day!
many blessings to you!

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Oh yeah, one of our favorite candies here in our house too! Love that sneaky look & the smile :)

natali said...

i love that kind of candy too! I'm so glad that it is finally Fall :)) Today it actually felt like it. There was a breeze and it didn't get above 75 I don't think. And tonight the low was supposed to be 49! yay for cold weather!

darci said...

cute!!! and i LOVE candy corn...how many times have i stuck those on my front tooth and grinned (alas, my poor children are thinking i am way too old to think that's funny...)
I have to come back and catch up on all your posts.. i've been mia for a while. have a great evening. darci

trustandobey said...

Candy Corn Rocks!
ps-And he is tooooo cute!

Andrea said...

Ah so cute! Way to capture him ;o)

Shonni said...

To cute!!! and I love these also!

angie said...

I just bought some yesterday... he is such a little cutie!

Karin said...

TOO CUTE!! He is adorable! :) Your candy made me think of my mom. She loves those candies, too, and I have always hated them. Bring on the chocolate for me..none of those lard and sugar things. :)))

SupermomE13 said...

Fall is my very favorite season too! And those pics are the CUTEST ever. What a doll baby!!

Adeye said...

Oh that is absolutely adorable!

Anonymous said...

Ok. LOVE your blog. My family is bi-racial (I'm caucasian and my husband is AA). Got turned onto your blog by Joy Portis (I think). Love your posts. Wanted to know how you adopted through foster? Is it as much as regular adoptions. My brother is adopted so I have it in my heart to adopt. Also because I feel my husband and I have so much to offer! Tried to post with my google account but it wouldn't go through. So I had to anonymously.--Amanda Johnigan, Hoover, AL

Anonymous said...

I loved this! He is the cutest thing!!!! Happy Fall to you too! Love you guys!

Doreen said...

Very sweet:o)