This fundraiser my kids thought up! They got this adorable African doll and wanted to do a 'silent auction' on here to make money for our "Pass it Forward Adoption Fund" for someone else's adoption. We are not allowed to do raffles in our states so if you are interested in winning the doll you can email me your bid at block amy @ hotmail dot com and the highest bidder will be the proud owner of this beautiful doll!
Also, I did add a 'chip in' gadget on the right side of my blog for those of you who asked. Thank you so much for your hearts and thank you for your support. Together we can get these kids home.

Love the doll and your heart to help others!
Glad you found the chip in coding. I have never used it. But I do see it on many blogs.
Hugs and love!
Laurel mentioned your "pickle jar" story on her blog that I've recently started to follow. I read your past few posts and am encouraged and inspired! We were able to work hard and adopt our first child from Ethiopia debt free and now as we've had a heart to adopt a sibling group I've found myself feeling as though it would be impossible to scrimp and save that much all over again. Even though a year earlier it was the once shouting from the roof top that God does provide! How dare I limit God in what he can do for these children and our family! Your stories spoke to me in a huge way about what FAITH looks like! =0) I have a really big pickle jar in my sink right now soaking to get that vinegar smell out and I was debating what to do with it as it was such a big, neat jar. NOW I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO DO WITH MY BIG PICKLE JAR! Thanks for the encouragement!
I am so excited to see God moving like this Amy!!!
Hope you don't mind that I shared your story ... and a link to your blog.
:) :) :)
Holly sent me over to your blog after I was joking around on Facebook about having God make it rain money because I wanted to bring home a little one or 2 from Africa.
Wow, I have to say I am totally blown away by your blog and the way God is using you. I love, love, love your idea of fundraising for another family!
I am a new follower of your blog and I just posted about you on my blog. I can't wait to follow your journey to your new precious addition.
Thank you for your gentle (in your face:) reminders. We are in the midst of adopting 2 angels with Down Syndrome- one 4 year old angel girl from Eastern Europe and one very unexpected baby boy due any day from Florida. We were not pursuing a domestic adoption AT ALL but God called us. And so we follow.
We have been working our tails off for 5 months to raise enough for Ruslana's adoption and I can't believe that I am able to say that her adoption is 97% funded! God is truly, truly amazing. We had to work but He did provide. And we did NOT expect anything to be handed to us. We have been blessed to meet some awesome people and have been able to share with them our story, His story, because of these adoptions.
Baby boy's adoption...let's just say we are totally stepping out of the boat with this one. We are beginning again from scratch- we've only known about him for 2 1/2 weeks and he should be here very soon. The thought of beginning again is daunting. But, He will provide as long as we fight for Him.
Again, thank you for all your reminders about orphans, faith and God's unwavering love for each and every one of us.
In Him,
Just got caught up in the BIG NEWS Amy!!!!!!!!WOW...CONGRATS to you and your family and your new little one waiting in Eithopia!!!
i would love to send money for your pass it forward raise money for adoption for another family..!!!
ohh love your new blog look:o)!!
Now everyone reading Amy's blog, put your money where your mouth is. Even if it is just one dollar and even if it is not for Amy's adoption but Amy is raising the money for someone and after all its God's money anyway!
You have such a beautiful family...not just by looks (although SERIOUSLY gorgeous) but by what is shining from their hearts.
I think it is amazing that someone blessed you and you choose to bless others. Wonderful!
God Bless.
Can I ask if you know who the adoption money will go to? Have you already chosen a family? If not, how will you?
I think God has just begun to use you in a BIG way to spread the His love through adoption! Watch out, lol!
See, you are much more computer savvy than you give yourself credit for! So happy to see the chip-in button and can't wait to see God move! Also love the African doll! Wish I had a little extra cash right now to bid myself. So beautiful!
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