Monday, August 17, 2009

How I love

This child...
And this child...
And this child...
And this child...
And this child...
And this child...
And this child...
"I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ... that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." ~Ephesians 3:17-19
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Dardi said...

Beautiful pics...can you come take some of the ones I love??? I can't seem to get them to cooperate! :o)

Unknown said...

What a beautiful post!

The photos are gorgeous too!


You are one very blessed Momma!

Love and hugs,

Holly said...

You know what I love about your family? I love how you make seven kids look like a SMALL family!! :)
Just a few years ago BA (before Adoption) I thought four kids constituted a BIG family! Seriously. Don't even laugh.
Big families stressed me out.
I had issues!
I was oh so proud of my two kids and one smallish dog family and couldn't fathom wanting more.
I had my life oh so planned out. Since I was so young when I birthed my kiddos, we were going to retire early, travel, you know, see the world and visit the kids occasionally.
Then God gripped my heart for the orphans and I've gotten to see a part of the world I never even dreamed I'd see...all because I said YES to His plans...mine went out the window and I'd never want them back!
Now I look at families like yours and think, "That's not so many kids after all!"
Funny huh?

Laurel said...

LOVE the pics! Totally want to come meet your beautiful family!


. . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Lopez said...

You've got a beautiful family, what a blessing!
Is it ok to feel jealous?
My best wishes to you guys!!!

Andrea Hill said...

Okay Amy if you are taking these pics than you need to take up photography and make a little side job for fun out of it. These shots are incredible of your beautiful children. And that Kaden, he is something. I am still coming down there and steal him for my daughter Amira even though he is younger.

Anonymous said...

Love the pics, Amy! Your kids are just as precious on the inside as they are on the outside! Love you guys!

CHEPAC said...

great pics. and i love your new family pic on the header! :)
and i see i';m signed in on the 'other blog'. it's darci at

Unknown said...

The faces of your dear children are full of God's love and life!!

I love the heart of your blog and your vulnerability. Thank you!!

Sweet blessings to you!


FullPlateMom said...

Your kids are BEAUTIFUL!!! Your youngest son reminds me of my youngest son.


Sarah said...

OH goodness, the love spills from these photos into my heart. OUr family is open Lord, send your children home.

Blessings from Costa Rica,
Sarah Dawn

Anonymous said...

such beautiful pictures of beautiful children!

I've been stalking you for awhile :) you inspire me, thank you!

can I ask you a favor, though? some dear friends of ours are passionate about adoption and just adopted a two-year-old girl from a difficult circumstance - they have always thought this would be the first of many, mixed with bio kids as well (they have 2 bio boys). but they are stuggling with adjustment and attachment issues. any chance you could offer some real pracitcal advice about the occasional ugliness of bringing what sometimes feels like "someone else's child" into your home? i won't be offended if you don't publish this comment and it's just a humble request for a post sometime in the future, but i know they read your blog and would be encouraged by some practical advice. Thanks! God bless!

Amy Jo said...

Oh, I just love your family. So beautiful - on the inside AND out.

Praying His sweet and abundant blessings upon each of you!

With joy,
Amy in OR