One thing that I noticed right away with our new kiddo's- especially the older 2, was that they really didn't know how to 'play'. You know, just let loose, let your imagination run wild kind of play that only kids can do. What I realized along with that, was that they didn't really know how to be normal kids. Having spent most of their little lives in survival mode I don't think play was something that they had a lot of time to do. From the stories they have shared so far- I have come to realize they had little time to just enjoy the simple things in life. I remember when our 4 oldest kids were growing up I loved watching them play "make believe". I remember once Travis and Keegan stripped down to their undies, rolled in the mud, camouflaged themselves and played army men in the back yard for hours. I remember watching Addisyn dress like a princess and put on an elaborate pretend tea party with her baby dolls that would have put Cinderella to shame. But for our new kids- life didn't offer those care free days... if they played make believe- it was to make believe that none of what had actually just happened to them really had.
Survival.These kids are survivors.
We have spent a lot of time lately trying to convince them that they are safe now and also to teach them how to just
'be a kid'. So today my sweet Kallan took them out in the backyard, in the sunshine, and they built Indian Tepees out of the new blankets their aunt Jenny gave them. They set up the fire pit for an Indian feast, collected their berries, painted their faces and
played for hours.No crying.
No pouting.
No fears.
Just simple, delightful, child's play...
And there was nothing more precious to see.
"Because you are children, God has sent the spirit of his Son into our hearts". -Galatians 4:6
How wonderful. These little lives are going to be so happy now. Thank God that He gave them to you. And thank Kallan for showing them how to be "kids". I remember how you girls used to do the funniest things with your imaginations.
I'm with you. That's exactly how Olivia was and still is in many ways. We had to teach her how to color, how to play. She's still working on the playing aspect in respects. She wants so many toys, but doesn't really play with them. Having our two year old girl for the year we did actually helped her quite a bit in ways I can't. She started to pretend play more. I hope your crew helps as I'm sure they will to show these kiddos the fun of play.! Love to hear about how it's going!!!
I love how the Lord knits together our families. What ambassadors your older kids are for the younger ones. Good going Kallan for taking the time to play!
To think of a little person having to work at survival burdens my heart. Praising the Lord that He brought our children through those days.
I hope God blesses your new children with many, many more days filled with childhood joys.
You're family is beautiful and I am loving your blog! Thank you for sharing!
Kids need to be kids for as long as they can and I love to watch children play. This was a big challenge too for my girls when they came home but my older son did just what Kallen has done and little by little we began to see a change. You are doing a fantastic job with all of your kids and I love reading your blog. Thanks for all of the updates and photos. I can't wait until we can see all their faces.
It's exciting to see the way God's using you to help heal the hearts of your children. I'm cheering for you and praying for you too! : )
that is just beautiful.
there is nothing more than melts my heart then seeing my kids just play!
How true! I love your heart for your children!
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