Monday, November 29, 2010

Celebrating her

Yesterday we celebrated Mya's 8th Birthday.
When I think back to 4 years ago when Mya joined our family I cannot believe how far this little girl has come... She came to us a scared, confused and unsure little girl who was obviously dying to feel safe and accepted. Over the past 4 years we have watched her has grow into an outgoing, beautiful, secure, amazing little person who loves the Lord with her entire heart.
This precious child has taught me more about adoption and attachment than I ever thought possible. She has taught me how to love in ways I never thought I was capable of loving and she has brought us more joy than we have ever known.

I love and adore you Mya Sofia. Thank you for being so strong, so brave and most of all, for never giving up on love.
Thank you for being my Mya Papaya- and for being exactly the way you are. I couldn't imagine my life without you in it.

image signature


Unknown said...

Awww - how precious! Happy Birthday to her and you!

What an amazing journey this has been for your family Amy!

I know how awesome it is to watch them flourish!

Lots of love,

Dardi said...

Happy Birthday to Mya!! Special girl...special family! :o)

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Happy Birthday Mya!!!!

trustandobey said...

Brings tears to my eyes. I was on a similar flight with my little girl from Guatemala only 2 years ago next month. Time sure does fly! Thrilled to hear that you are putting down roots in Guatemala. What part?

My Thoughts said...

Happy birthday sweet Mya. We hope you had a wonderful day filled with the love of family and the Lord. Keep shining!

Megan said...

Beautiful! Happy Birthday, Mya!

Sophie said...

Happy birthday to your precious Mya Papaya (cute!) she is a beautiful girl.

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday little Mya. Was the spice cake yummy? We miss you.

Love, Gram and Gramps

Staci said...

Happy birthday to a beautiful eight year old princess! :)

Pedro and Felis Patlan said...

Happy Birthday Mya! It's been so fun watching you grow the last few are growing into a beautiful young lady!

Pedro and Felis Patlan said...

Happy Birthday Mya! It's been so fun watching you grow the last few are growing into a beautiful young lady!

Theresa said...

What a beautiful post to your beautiful daughter Mya (who BTW shares the same name to my daughter). Love your blog!

Andrea Hill said...

Happy Birthday Mya! Your little angel looks so grown up:)

Amber said...

Happy Bday to a very sweet, special and pretty girl!! was behind on your blog so I just caught up...YOU'RE MOVING TO GUATAMALA???? (Sorry If I didn't spell it right...)
WOW and WOO HOO!! ha ha ha My admiration grows deeper all the time for your faith...His plan is a masterpiece so I can't wait to watch it as it unfolds and becomes a clearer picture. My heart and prayers are with you!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Mya!!! I remember well you sharing with us about Mya when we were in Florida. Good times.......

Intentional Living Homestead said...

Happy Birthday Mya.

Wondering if you would be able to leave a comment and tell me how you would put a heart in front of your little guys face when you were adopting him?

We are in the proces of adopting a little girl through a US disruption. She is here now but the adoption is not complete and I would like to post pictures of the children but keep her face private until all paperwork is signed.

I just cannot figure out how to block her face. Anyway, any kind of help would be appreciated.

Thank you so much.

The Tam Family said...

Happy Birthday Mya, what a beautiful life, Amy...just beautiful.

Love wins,
Renee Tam

Intentional Living Homestead said...

Hi Amy: You don't have to post this...just wanted you to know that it worked and THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

I'm sorry I stole your heart, but everytime I tried to pick a different picture a window would come up...I think I had to pay for those. So instead of trying to figure out a "free" one, I used yours. Hope you don't mind??

Thanks again,

Laurel said...

Happy Birthday, Mya!

We love you!

Mama D. & the whole gang :)