8 years ago the Lord opened our eyes to the orphans in this world- and our journey began.
What we didn’t know at that time was how that would change our world -and bring us to the place we are now.
What we didn’t know was 5 adoptions later – the faces of those left behind would forever be etched in our hearts and minds.
And what we didn’t know was how God would change the direction of our path and instead of bringing them home to us- He would bring us to them.
Through ways that only God could have orchestrated, our family is thrilled to announce we will be moving to Guatemala. We will be working with an amazing organization called Orphan Outreach.
While some people may think we are crazy to pack up seven children (Keegan and Travis will remain in the United States to attend college) we believe with all of our hearts that this is exactly what God has been preparing us for. We have been raising ‘little missionaries’ who know firsthand the importance of orphan care. We have been raising little missionaries who know that Jesus is the only hope.
Todd and I will be working alongside Orphan Outreach in their 3 orphanages and school in Guatemala. As many of you may or may not know, Guatemala closed their doors to adoptions leaving over 350,000 children in Guatemala abandoned and alone. These children face dark influences of malnutrition, poverty, illiteracy, human trafficking, drugs, gangs, disease, and hopelessness. Orphan Outreach’s goal is to provide holistic care for orphans- giving the children every opportunity for success in life by meeting their physical, spiritual, educational, social and emotional needs so they may be all God intended for them to be.
One morning during my quiet time the Lord began to give me a clearer picture of “outreach."
'Outreach' literally means to ‘reach out- extend’-to open our hands and give our lives, physically and materially, passing our blessings onto others.
Yet even more important is what God’s word says about Orphans: Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27
The other thing the Lord reminded me about outreach through James 1:27 -is that it’s a group effort. While God may have called our family to Guatemala to serve- He has called each one of us to care for orphans.
So today we, along with God the Father, are asking you to be a part of our outreach mission. Not because we are passionate about orphan care- but because God is. Not because of what we are going to be doing-but because of what God is doing.
We encourage you to seek the Lord and ask Him what part He wants you to play as a part of our support team. Whether through prayer, monthly support or a one-time gift -we need you to come on board…
Simply because it’s not about us- but all about God.
Simply because God has called you to.
Simply because you are living for things of eternal value.
Simply because of what God has done for you.
Simply because they need you.
Thank you so much for truly living out the word of God in the lives of these children and thank you for your heart.
Orphan Outreach is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization
Orphan Outreach
2001 West Plano Parkway,
Suite 3700
Plano, TX 75075
*please let them know it is for Todd and Amy Block- Guatemala
WOW!!! YAY GOD! May you be blessed richly... or I guess I should say more richly!
I will be praying!!!
How exciting. So inspired by your obedience. We will be praying for you.
Oh PRAISE THE LORD!!!! So excited to hear about where God is taking you for HIS GLORY!!! YEAH!!!! PRAYING ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! So awesome! I am so happy for you all. My beautiful God- daughter and adoption inspiration came home from Guatemala a few years ago - so happy that you will be able to serve some of the precious children who are still waiting for families and love. Good luck with your transition. I can't wait to read more about your plans - or should I say HIS plans??
Oh, Amy! Amazing! May God be with you in the days ahead, and richly bless you always for all of your efforts! THANK YOU for following God's calling for your family and for offering hope to orphans!
Praise the LORD!!!
Thank you for your willingness to serve!
Praying for you! And hoping you will continue your blog!
Praise the LORD!!!
Thank you for your willingness to serve!
Praying for you! And hoping you will continue your blog!
Awesome!! when do yu guys leave?
How exciting that you can now share publicly!
Lexi is so excited and hoping to come serve alongside of you sometime next year!
You know we are praying for you!
Love you bunches - have a blessed Thanksgiving!
That is awesome!! God bless your family as you follow Him!!
Whoo hoo! I'm so glad you can finally announce this. We are soooo excited for you guys! And, of course, Eli and I are already planning our visit for next January! =)
Can't wait to hear more, Amy!
Leslie =)
So thrilled that you have definitely decided it is time to move forward! Huge blessings to you and your family, as well as to those lives that you are going to touch. We love you all!
The Lantz's
Wow, Amy! It's absolutely amazing to see God working in your life. I can't wait to see how He leads you from here on out. More than anything, please know that I'm praying like crazy!
Love you!
Wow! Tears of joy :)
Can't wait to follow your journey! When do you leave?
I am a new reader and follower of your blog but I wanted to leave you a comment on your post from today. What an amazing and blessed decision! I am too awe-inspired at the work that God can set in motion through people. You and your family will be such an amazing addition to Guatemala and to Orphan Outreach. I hope you will keep your blog going and will let us know if there are any supplies you need that we can send to you. God Bless Always!
Its gonna be sad to see yall go but someone gots to do it, I wish I was able to do stuff like that
Wow! I am so thrilled for you! What a huge change but what a wonderful blessing for you and those you will serve! Prayers!
God will bless you richly in ways you cannot imagine. And you will be a blessing to so many of His fatherless children. So happy for your decision!
Oh Amy! I am so excit for you guys! What a way to step out in faith and move in the direction the LORD has for y'all. I have tears in my eyes as I read this and think about where the LORD is going to take you. My heart is dancing for you all!
Love you dear one so very much!
I could just cry and jump for joy at the same time. ((((((((((((hug)))))))))))))) Please keep us posted with more details!!!
Praise God for your family who is following His call your lives. So excited to pray for your adventure in Christ.
I love how God has called you to outreach - so often even among the missionary community we seek to bring people to us rather than go out into their communities and bring the Gospel and the love of God to them where they are! This is awesome, and know God will provide all your needs as you walk in obedience with His calling!
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" - Matthew 7:7-11
Ask God and God will provide!
You know what friend, you cannot begin to imagine how much I love you. The love your family has for the Lord is so real. There is just nothing fake about you ever. When you talk about serving, you mean it in a real big way. I am so blessed to call you my friend. Awh you don't know how much it ackes me your so far away. I will start praying boldly for finances immediately that God will open the flood gates of heaven and you will be blessed and this money can be raised for your needs over there.
Wow! I am so excited for you and your family! What an exciting adventure, I admire you so much! Thank you for being such amazing advocates for the world's orphans! Will be praying for you! I hope you will be able to continue blogging because I will be following!
I'm crying reading your post. We hope to be "full missionaries" in a few years also. While we are feeling called to adopt #10 and #11 from Ethiopia next year, it's all a bit overwhelming. I'm going to talk to my husband about monthly support for your family! God bless you all!
Oh wow...that is SO awesome!!! I am wildly jealous--lol. My heart hurts for the precious kids on Guatemala. I was so hoping adoptions would start up again--at least for the kids with special needs. Still praying for that. I hope you will be able to keep blogging because I REALLY want to know what God does through your family in Guatemala.
This is so awesome! I will be praying for your family as your journey stretches you in new ways. God bless ya'll!
Congratulations! What an awesome privilege. We're so proud of you--and of course praying with you and for you.
Amazing news Amy...for very amazing people...so proud of you and your family..it takes so much courage to do what your doing...hugs and love and cant wait to hear details and when you will be leaving..
Wow. Praise God. May He bless you beyond anything you could ever ask or think.
So exciting. I am sure you will all be enriched by the experience. Safe travels and I am sure we are all looking forward to hearing more.
This is soo awesome. My husband were blessed enough to serve with Orphan resources International around five years ago in Guatemala. We worked in serveral different orphanages and ever since then God has really opened our eyes to how we can better serve the orphans. Thanks for being willing to follow God no matter the cost and I know that God will great bless you for your faithfulness!!!
Oh wow!! That is so COOL!!! I'm so glad that I got to hug your neck in October. Will be praying for you guys!!
So excited for your family and I will absolutely be praying for you. Please keep us posted as you make plans.
That's wonderful, Amy! Where in Guatemala will you be living? Keep us posted on specifics we can be praying about.
Amazing! Thanks for sharing how God is leading your family. Excited for y'all!!
Wow!! I echo the 36 comment above me: It is SO neat to see a family abandoning everything to follow God's plan...what an exciting thing it is you're doing!! I'm ready to read about and follow along on this journey! Thanks for sharing!!
WOW.... I so enjoy following your blog please continue to do blog so we can all follow your work. Well I'm sure there is no Classical Conversations in Guatemala how will you continue with homeschooling? You can count on monthly support from my homeschooling family. I'm excited to be a part in this way.
So grateful for you and your family and that you are taking this huge step. You will definitely be in our prayers.
- Josh
Oh my goodness, friend, I am soooooooooooo excited for you and your family. This is SUCH incredible news. Wow. We LONG to go back out on the mission field. Just waiting on the Lord. I love that God has called you...and that you have heard!
So happy and excited for you.
WOW! When you mentioned missions a while back, I didn't about it being right on the horizon. I hope you will still have time to blog! You have been such an inspiration to me, Blessings to your family!!
Amy, this is so so exciting!! Praise the Lord! What a giant step you and your family are taking to follow His leading. You can be sure the Philpots will be praying for you and looking forward to hearing updates all along the way!!
What a beautiful, wonderful thing it is to be in God's will....
Thank you for ministering to the precious children He is leading you to.
In Him,
Oh my! Amy, this is SO exciting!!
I love your hearts and love that having a large family is not stopping you from going! I'm jealous!:)
Can I just say that I AM TOTALLY EXCITED THAT YOU ARE GOING TO BE IN GUATEMALA!!!! WWWOOOOOHOOOOO!!!! :-) My husband has read some of your blogs and from what I have told him, he is excited to finally meet you all!
Love you guys!
Incredible! I look forward to reading about this journey as it unfolds.
please! you must give me some advice. how am i suppose to cope with a family who does not acknowledge my conviction towards orphans and adoption? is it really a choice between my family and the child that i love as my own? why not me? why must i justify why i want to do it? they just dont understand!!! and i cant keep on fighting about it, but also can't see how i can just leave him now. and to top it all all the social workers i'm dealing with give me more and more hoops to jump through and delay the foster process. which leaves me where. but more importantly, which leaves the child where?i can pretend that i believe an orphanage is the best place for a child. i'm trying to do the right thing, that i've been instructed to do, but it seems the world is against me! how do you keep having faith to go through with it?!u.voget@gmail.com
Oh, Amy, that is AWESOME! So happy for you all! Will continue to pray for you! Love you guys!!!
Exciting News!!!
Our family lived in Guatemala for 3months while we went to language school three years ago. I loved it there. We now live in Peru and serve with a mission called Kids Alive International. Recently my husband and I have felt God leading us to adopt. I admit that I have had questions about whether God would call us as missionaries to adopt as we are dependant on others to support our family. Then I heard my husband telling someone that "God has always provided for my family, if this is of Him, I know he will provide." This encouraged my heart so much and my eyes opened to realize that God is our provider and that the people who support us are a part of that.
I am encouraged as I read about your next journey to live and work among orphans. It truly is a wonderful experience. I won't lie, there are some hard days, but I think that your experience as adoptive parents will go a long way in helping these kids.
In Christ's love,
Oh, Amy, I just now had the opportunity to catch up on some blog posts. I can't believe I missed this the other day. What an amazing announcement. I am so thrilled for the work God is doing in your family. What a joy to see you following His lead down a new pathway. I wish we had the chance to meet personally but I will continue to follow and see what God has in store for your sweet family. You are such an inspiration to me. Prayers coming your way!
Have been behind in my blog reading and was so excited to read this, and maybe a wee bit jealous. :) What a a wonderful way to use what the Lord has been teaching you and weaving through your hearts.
We will be praying for you along the way!
So glad that the details are coming together.
Praying for you in this exciting time.
Laurel :)
Amy, Amy, AMY. What a surprising God we both serve. What adventures He has waiting. Tears are in my eyes - not sure why, even but I know this: I am so excited for you. SO EXCITED. I love you, sister.
WHAT??!! how did I MISS this!!? this is huge big exciting news and i am so excited to read it.!! praying for you!! is it soon you go? whoohoo, wow! darci
Amy- I just read this for the first time! INCREDIBLE!
Praying for you.
I have been there and seen those who are growing up without the hope of being adopted... I am so glad you have responded to the call and i will try to wait patiently for mine
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