Looking back now I just love how God put that combination together and created the most amazing person with the most amazing personality.
Addisyn, I love how you have grown into such a confident, independent, and loving child of God. I am so proud of how you believe in yourself and know your dreams. And, I am so thankful that you still share them with me. You are such a blessing and I am so thankful God made you just the way you are.
But what still makes me smile like no others~is how you still know how to play with your brothers!
From the first time I ever saw Addi, I told Maria that I thought she was one of the sweetest, most beautiful young ladies I had ever met. I would be proud if my daughters grew up to be like her.
Addie cakes! You are definitely one cool chick! You are an unique combination of "sweet and loving" and "don't even think about messing with me!" I adore you! Titi
She's a beauty. Just like her mom!
Amy - she is beautiful from the inside out and her smile radiates the love of Christ.
You are surely blessed!
I agree...you are blessed with a beautiful...inside and out...daughter! I can't wait to see what God does with her life--it's gonna be fun to watch!
I love the pic!!!!! I can so see that being my Sophie in a few years!
Hey Adds, We love you too and always knew you'd you'd be a great gal, young and older. I see an awful lot of your mother in you too especially that "don't try to mess with me" personality. We can't wait to see all of you in April.
Gram and Gramps
You both are BEAUTIFUL and blessed to have each other. Great pics!
How sweet!! She is lovely!
She is beautiful and how cool is she to hang like that with her brother! She sounds like quite the blessing to you and the rest of the family.
Addisyn is a very beautiful girl with a huge heart like her parents... a precious Blessing..doreen
Wow you both are so beautiful and your daughter hasn't changed at all.
Amy, you are just gorgeous! And so if your precious family! I even made John read your blog...I can't wait to hear more about all of you! :)
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