Friday, October 17, 2008

It's official!!! Happy Adoption Day Kaden!

Today Mr. Kaden officially became our baby boy. He was already 'officially' in our hearts- but you know, the state wanted that 'official little document' so we happily obliged. What a wonderful day full of God's greatest gifts. Our judge was the sweetest and she let the entire family participate since he is loved by us all. We are so thankful for adoption- so thankful that his birth mother carried him to term, so thankful God allowed us to be this amazing little boys family. You bless us daily Kaden and we love you with all of our hearts (and that is a lot of love!) Happy Adoption Day sweet boy!
P.S I just opened my blog back up to public...


Elizabeth said...

woohoo!! Hooray Kaden!!! Congrats of the OFFICIAL day!!

Anonymous said...

well its nice to know that you have great hits here.

Anonymous said...

wow, very special, i like it.

Jenny said...

Happy Day! Happy Day! Happy Day! Thank you Jesus! Great priceless pics! Titi

Bonky's Mom said...

okay seriously--if Kaden was any cuter, I might explode. PRECIOUS pictures! Oh I love that kid!

Anonymous said...

This is couch jumping good news! As Tom Criuse would put it! Did you happen to see that episode of Oprah? Oh nevermind...

I'm so happy for you and your entire family! I'm also excited that you are public again..login in is not any fun:(

Michelle Riggs said...

Yeah Kaden. I love the pictures of his beautiful family.

He is perfect, Amy. You are so blessed to be his Mommy.

PS. Welcome back!

Melinda said...

Amy, Kaden is just too, too cute!!! I love his hat! You have such a beautiful family. It is so funny to see your family picture now and imagine how different it will look real soon! It is so nice that your parents and Todd's parents were able to be there for Kaden's special day! Congratulations to your entire family.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Those pictures are too cute! I LOVE his cute little outfit and his smile just melts my heart! Happy adoption day, Kaden!

Debbie T said...

Welcome OFFICIALLY to your family, Kaden!! And what an awesome family you have - so happy for all of you!! hugs, DebbieT

Debbie T said...

Welcome OFFICIALLY to your family, Kaden!! And what an awesome family you have - so happy for all of you!! hugs, DebbieT

Nikki said...

That's fantastic- congratulations!!

Instantly Mama said...

Congratulations Kaden (and Block family too!)! I have to say that Kaden is about the cutest thing I've ever seen. I LOVED the hat and outfit. Just adorable.

Phyllis said...

Congratulations on his adoption! Love the pics...and his outfit is just TOO CUTE!!
Phyllis & Kristen

Doreen said...

Kaden you look so handsome on your Adoption Day and your family is so PERFECT!! Happy Adoption Day!!! doreen

Leslie said...

How cool!! Happy adoption day!! I love your family pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kaden! Congratulations Amy! I'm so happy for all of you ~ what a wonderful beautiful family. Everyone looks so thrilled.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kaden! Congratulations Amy! I'm so happy for all of you ~ what a wonderful beautiful family. Everyone looks so thrilled.

Sara said...

Congratulations Kaden and is official! So glad you could be united forever and ever:)

Tara said...

What wonderful pictures. Wish we could have been there. Happy Birthday also Kaden.. What a big 2 year old. I can't wait to hold you in my arms someday. Uncle Steve, Aunt Tara, and Cousins Gavin and Lauren love you to pieces. Give all your brothers and sisters a big hug and kiss from us. All our love, Aunt Tara

angie said...

Awww- your little Kaden is adorable. I have a Caden too! What a beautiful family you have. Congrats!

kim p said...

Congratulations!! What a blessed little boy Kaden is and what a blessed family you are! I LOVED all the pictures of darling Kaden and all your family, too. I'm thankful all of the grandparents were able to be there to celebrate with you. God bless your family abundantly as you follow Him and the plans He has for you. It's exciting to see God working in you all!

Pedro and Felis Patlan said...

Congrats to your whole family..! How exciting.