Like my new look? It was a gift given to me by my sweet friend Michelle. Michelle is another one of my amazing adoption friends and the girl has a heart of gold. Michelle adopted Abby and Landis from Guatemala and her and her husband are also now in the process of bringing home a gorgeous little girl from Ethiopia~ Sami. Sami will be their 7th child. I love that family! THANK YOU MICHELLE!!! What an awesome gift!
My new design was done by Nikki. (Pictured in this post) This girl is AMAZING. Amazingly talented and has an amazing heart. She is giving these blogs a new face lift to raise money for her mission trip to the Dominican Republic. (Pretty cool idea if you ask me!) She went last year for 10 days and and she is going again this summer for the month of July as a student leader with the group called Hero Holiday. If you want to see pictures or read about it, you can read her blog from last summer. She will be blogging again this summer at http://heroholiday07.blogspot.com/ . The mission trip costs a total of $3400. While she is there she will take part in building 2 schools, running a medical clinic, distributing food, clean water, and gifts, and working in an orphanage for kids with special needs. There are so many things a young girl her age could be 'choosing' to do with their free time and my hats off to Nikki. The girls got heart- and I, for one, am inspired by it. Now go check out her blog and help that girl be God's hands and feet!
Thanks for posting this, Amy. You are so sweet :)
LOVE the new look! I want one, too! I went to Nikki's blog, but couldn't find any info on getting a blog facelift. What do we do?
Great new look! I love it.
I really like the new look. Is this is same Michelle that adopted through Dillon about the same time as the rest of us?
Nikki does great work. I will need to get her to redo mine sometime soon.
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