One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter.
~ James Earl Jones
There are just no words strong enough to explain to you all how much your sweet comments, emails, words of encouragement and prayers meant to me (and to others as well). All I can say is God knew exactly what we needed to have the strength to keep moving forward. Often I have wondered, "God, where are your people?"~who would have known I would find so many of them right here through a blog?
So thank you to all of you out there who are living out the word of God. Thank you for your examples and for your faith. Thank you for saying "Yes Lord" despite the persecution you face. Thank you for taking a risk for the sake of another, thank you for giving without expecting something in return. Thank you for letting others see God through you.
Today my sweet husband gets home from Guatemala where he spent the past week meeting the children and staff we will be serving. He told me that "being there again made him realize just how much we needed to be there." I cannot wait to share more...
can't wait to hear all about his trip! so excited to see how God is going to use your family in huge ways!
lots of love,
YEAH! I'm so excited for Todd to return home and we can hear all the ways God moved on his heart!
I love you so! Hugs!
We sure enjoyed having Todd here last night...~J
Looking forward to hear about the trip.
Ugh, I just emailed you. I should have checked here first instead of viceversa. Love you.
Can't wait to read a post on his trip and hear more!! That quote my James Earl Jones = beautiful...
Much love,
Future Mama
I am very much looking forward to hearing about your trip and all things Guatemala. My husband and I sponsor a girl in Guatemala and we'd really love to meet her one day.
I can't wait to hear more and please know that your family-in-Christ will always be here for you and your crew. (-: Much love and many blessings!
I wish there was some way I could give you a hug!
Can't wait to hear :)
Can't wait to hear more...
Thank *you* for sharing your life with us. Can't wait to hear more about your journey!
Read the last post, didn't get a chance to comment. You and your family are in our prayers. I can relate to your comments about being adoption crazy, we have lost all of our family....but we are being obedient to God....that's all you need to do=)
so excited for y'all! i hate to be selfish, but i realllllly hope this doesn't completely put an end to your blogging days! love your family! prayers going up!!!
I heard a pastor once say 'for some of us this is as close as we will ever get to heaven, and for others of us this is as close as we'll get to hell'. Hang in there sister! Consider it pure joy! Your family is a beautiful example of Jesus, and most people found Him offensive too.
Praying for you and your family sweet lady :)
I'm a friend of Hannah and Jordan...
...a missionary with a camp here in the states...
....we bring in misssionaries each week in june and july for our summer sessions...
When i started raising my own support I felt like the cartoon character that had run off the cliff...and was waiting for the author to draw the bridge or put the sign reading "oops" in my hand...4 years later that bridge is still strong! He is the provider.
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