Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dear Mr. Blog,

I'm sorry I have been ignoring you lately. I don't mean to, it's just that...

I've got it bad.

real bad.

I can't think,

I can't function,

I can't get anything done.

I can't even begin to concentrate on this...

Because all I want to do is stare at this...


I'm a goner.

He now officially owns my heart.

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Mandy said...

Best of luck, Amy. I look forward to reading more about the most recent addition to your family.

JG said...

I was thinking of you yesterday, and it gave me a big ol' goofy grin. I'm so happy for you and your family.

Dardi said...

I hear ya!! I can't wait until Kaya's new brother comes home so I can watch the same "channel" you are! ;o)

natali said...

what a cute post! :)) Praying that everything is going great for you guys!

Unknown said...

They look so cute together. look like twins! How close in age are they? You will probably be asked that everywhere you go from now on. :0)

Unknown said...

Oh is that one amazing reason to be avoiding Mr. Blog!


They are so precious together!

Know that I'm thinking about you and sending big hugs and lots of prayers!

Love you!

rachellechaseblog said...

brought tears to my happy for you.

Anonymous said...

And I don't blame you one bit!

trustandobey said...

I completely understand how you's wonderful! When are you expecting him to be home?

mica said...

so happy for your family! Love it. Congrats

Karin said...

Well that is just awesome! :) So happy for you!!

Andrea Hill said...

How could you not enjoy these precious boys?? but the funny thing with you is girly, no matter what you blog about people still leave comments, you are 'THAT LOVED'... Can't wait for it to be all final so we can see you in action as a photograhper. Love ya.

alicia said...

Thank you for sharing. Your posts come at precious times in my life as we are in the process of fostering and hoping to adopt our newest little one. Keep the words of great encouragement coming!

The gFamily said...

I know we all miss your wonderful insight, but you have the very best reason to ignore the blog! I can't wait until we can meet him and stare at his beautiful face too!! :)

Leah Wentzel said...

i am so excited for you guys and i know how you feel :)

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Wait a minute...just read your last blog entry and wanted to say CONGRATULATIOINS!!!!!!!!!!! How awesome is that? YEAH GOD!!!!!!!

Bill and Christina said...

I just wanted to say congrats! I am so very excited and happy for you!