I have a favor to ask of you guys… really, it’s a simple request on your part but means the world to someone else. A friend of mine’s husband is serving in
So my favor from you is would you please be willing to make a birthday card for him? Don’t spend your money on some expensive card- just make one or if you have children have them draw one. If you are a teacher- have your whole class do it. Let’s just show this guy our appreciation and Christ’s love. If you are interested you can email his wife Holly at hollymac828@yahoo.com. She can give you his address and you can send the card with a simple stamp just as if you were sending it within the US...it still takes TIME to get there...so the cards need to be send by Nov. 21st to be safe! If the cards show up early or late it will still be an ongoing blessing so please do not let that stop you. If you are reading this and you are not able to participate would you please just stop and say a prayer for this family? Pray for protection, pray for their children and pray that they will be able to raise the money they need to adopt again.
Thank you so much for making a difference in someone else’s life. It’s the little things that count in the long run I promise. Can’t wait to see how God moves through you!
Thanks Amy...my kids and I would love to bless him for his birthday while he serves us.
thanks for the opportunity to show our thankfulness.
mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted
Andrew and Bailey love making cards, we are on board!
hi amy,
if you get a free minute (haha) would you mind sending me a personal email so i can ask you a few questions about foster care? i would so appreciate it!
thanks so much
My kiddos and I are on board - at least the one who can hold a pencil! Holly's sweet, sweet, sweet spirit is so evident on her blog and my family is forever grateful to the brave men and women who sacrifice so much so that we can live in freedom.
I am just blown away.
Thank you so much.
I am so super duper excited for my husband and pray earnestly that God uses this to bless my husband and minister to his spirit.
I can't wait to meet Carson...and the rest of the Blocks coming too!
Tomorrow is the big day...a craft bazaar we've been beading and beading for...and Josiah's birthday...he wants to sell all de sibbaware on his birthday so we can go get Ewaina. Um...not quite yet! :)
Thank you for your support and encouragement.
Tony is going to be blessed!
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