Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Carving out memories...

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Unknown said...

Can they get any cuter Amy?

How precious and FUN!

Love and hugs,

Cari said...

great pictures...love the pumpkin with the super long stem...lol!! :)

We will be carving ours sometime this week, too.

Adeye said...

Precious, amazing, wonderful memories!

Anonymous said...

Gosh they are all so stinking cute!

Seems like just the other day I was looking at the pictures from last October with them and their pumpkins!

Time is flying by so FAST!

Live to love and laugh said...

How cute can they be????
Love the pumpkin pictures. Just think yuou will need another pumpkin next year!!!
Any word on how things are going?

natali said...

So cute!

Kim said...

Absolutely Adorable!

Mom 4 Kids said...

Precious photos!

Gardenia said...

wow, five pumpkins carved and 5 happy faces! lots of strings and seeds and mess and FUN.

Phyllis said...

All the pumpkins look great! What fun for all of you. Hope you all have a fun Halloween.

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

OH praise God that you have agreed to help the Riggs family!!!!! Bless you and wow you blew me away with your guest blog. You are soo right....they are amazing & of course as a cancer survivor myself (age 8)....Abby is always on my mind. YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bethany said...

Great photos!!! We carved pumpkins at school this year too and everyone had a blast :)