This past weekend I was blessed with the opportunity to just sit back and watch my children interact with each other. Sometimes I am just blown away by the wonderful and unique relationships they have with each other. I was able to talk to them a little bit about what being in a large family has taught them and helped them become the kind of people they are.
So often times now-a-days large families are looked down upon. People are under the opinion that each child does not get enough individual attention or just plain 'get enough'.
Enough of what I’d like to ask?
Because if you ask me- we have the best. And together- we have it all.
Being in a large family has taught my children that each one of us is unique and different – and that is okay. Actually, it’s downright wonderful.
Being in a large family has taught my children how to get along and respect all different kinds of people- as in – nationalities, race, sex, etc. However they still know how to remain true to who they are and I love that.
They have learned to be strong in their faith and strong in their confidence- while still being accepting of others who are different than they are.
Being in a large family has taught them to understand that it is okay if they are not the best, the most beautiful, the smartest, the funniest, or the fastest one in the crowd. It's okay to have different strengths and weaknesses. They are not perfect- and they are okay with that.
They have learned how to do things on their own and they know how to relate when in a group.
Being in a large family has taught them how to make friends and build a bond with a complete stranger- and how to be a loyal to that person through the years.
They have learned how to share, and how to accept that what they have been given is enough.
Being in a large family has taught them how to give, how to give in, and how to cheer on someone else, even at their own loss.
They have learned how to work hard for what they want and how to share what they have had to work for.
Being in a large family has taught them that their lives are not their own-or all about their own personal comfort. There are others need to consider- and other people who count just as much as they do.
They know how to work as a team, play like a team, and dream like a team.
Being in a large family has taught them how to communicate and compromise with those around them.
They have learned that different people have different opinions- and that is okay. They realize that even though you don’t necessarily always see eye to eye with someone else- you can still appreciate those differences without being nasty. And when arguments do occur- that it’s okay to disagree with someone else as long as you do it in a respectful manner and give the other person a chance to voice their opinion or concern.
Being in a large family they have learned that life is about relationships- not things. Their relationship with each other, and their relationship with God.

I love your big family too! I'm praying that yours and mine get bigger soon!
Love in Jesus,
BEAUTIFUL post! Miss you guys!
mama of 13
Your great writing skills came back quickly. Amen! I too love large families and hope to be there one day. I also was one of those people, prior to starting our adoption journey back in 2006 looking down on big families. During this journey, I have met the most incredible people I have ever met in my whole life. People that look upon life the way you do. Thank you God for friends like you and all of those willing to have large families.
I love big families, and usually those who don't have never been part of one. What a beautiful blessing they can be!
Great post! I love big families and can't wait to have one! God bless... and I'm glad your blogger block is gone, for now :)
I agree!!! It's sure not always easy, but no matter your family size, you have tough moments. However, the good FAR outweighs any of the tough stuff (notice I didn't say bad...I don't think it's really bad as much as it is learning & growth).
So glad your brain is working again b/c, quite frankly, I've had this disturbing image of you with your head hanging open & a bug flying out of it that I needed to get over! :o)
I wish every critic could read this post! PERFECT!
Yayyeee--your writers block has gone :)
LOVE your post, dear friend. Absolutely love your perspective on things. Oh, and your children are just gorgeous.
Love you!
Amen! Love this post and can totally relate to your perspective on living life through the narrow gate as a large family.
Just beautiful!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
I love reading your blog:). I hope one day to have a family as beautiful as yours-and I'm only 19! Thanks for being an inspiration:)
AMEN- very well written. I feel the same way about our family. I think there are so many that miss the true Blessings of a large family because of world view fears. Praise God for crazy families like yours, ours, and many others that don't let world views stop us :)
Great post, just what I needed to read today as we continue to pray about adopting again- thank you!
I wrote a little blog post today, and linked to yours.
:) :) :)
I could have written this very post. I think the very same things about our large family and the many blessings of us being one!
I love you and adore the photo of your children at the top of this post!
Hugs sweet friend!
Love the picture of all your kids together, it is just beautiful!
beautiful post!
Coming over from Laurel's blog. Great post! I dont have a large family but I appreciate those who choose to create large families.
Love this post! :) We moved to New England this summer and this year my girls have faced more odd looks at school about 'their huge family.' For the first time, they seem embarrassed about it and it makes me so sad. I just may share your post with them.
I get asked how my girls are doing all the time. It just happened at the post office. People seem to feel sorry for my daughters because they have so many brothers. I was going to blog about that whole scenario in the post office. Glad to hear that I am not the only one who deals with that mentality.
Thanks for your messages. Doing okay. xoxo
I get asked how my girls are doing all the time. It just happened at the post office. People seem to feel sorry for my daughters because they have so many brothers. I was going to blog about that whole scenario in the post office. Glad to hear that I am not the only one who deals with that mentality.
Thanks for your messages. Doing okay. xoxo
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