Tuesday, October 6, 2009


its a boy feet
He's one years old, big round eyes, sweet puckered lips and every time I look at his picture I cannot stop myself from smiling (and it's one of those big goofy, I'm so in love, kind of smiles).


Lord, please bring this precious Ethiopian baby of ours home fast!!!

image signature


Andrea Hill said...

Awwwhhhh, yippiieee, yeahh. I can't believe it. So very happy for you.

Mandi said...

Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you and cannot wait until you are able to share his picture.


Sha Zam- said...

Are you kidding??? Seriously! WEEEEE HOOOOO!!!!! So So So excited!! Congratulations!!!

Unknown said...

Praising God for your new son!

Praying him home into your arms forever!

From another Mom with the same silly smile!

Love you,

Gina said...

Congratulations! That was really quick!

Live to love and laugh said...

Fantastic! I am so happy for you.

Leslie said...

Congratulations!!!! So happy for y'all!!

Karin said...

Woohoo!!! Congratulations!! How totally exciting! Can't wait to hear more (and see pics when you are allowed).

natali said...

I'm so happy for you guys!!!

JG said...

Awww, congrats! :)

Anonymous said...

So happy for you a the fam. Can't wait to meet Hudson. I'm gonna love him so much! Love you.

Dardi said...

Praising God for another one of His beautiful, sweet gifts!! Love you!!!!

Jocelyn said...

congratulations!! praying for your sweet new baby boy, and your family as you wait to bring him home.

Heather said...

How awesome, can't believe how fast this has gone. So excited for you! God's continued blessings for your family and new son!

Tamara said...

Oh, Amy, I am so so thrilled for you guys! Congratulations and God bless you as you navigate the details surrounding bringing home this new, sweet boy to your family!
--Tamara in MN

Tracy said...

congratulations!!! super fast!!

Adeye said...

wooohoooo---rejoicing with you tonight!!! Soooooo exciting, friend. Yayeee, you and Shonni heading to ET for precious little boys. I can hardly wait to see his sweet little face.

So wonderful. Another little heart has found a home. Thank you Jesus.

Hannah said...

Amazing! Congratulations! :)

Lord, bring him home soon!

whenpigsfly said...

CONGRATS AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So glad you know who your newest addition is going to be!

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

FANTASTIC!!!!!! Yeah - Congratulations!!!! We are dancing with joy for your family!!!!! Yeah.....hey our little girl is about a year old too. Awww......so happy and can't wait to hear more about him & your journey!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Lopez said...

Goooood!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Very happy for you guys. We would love to meet you guys sometime, please keep contact. If you come to Arkansas for any reason please let us know. God bless your family!

Kristine said...

Congratulations!!! Praying with you for a speedy process to bring him home!

Holly said...

Wow!!!!!!!! Amazing!!
Just what your little dude needed. Maybe now his sisters will stop dressing him up...or maybe they will just dress up both little bros!!
His name?!?!!??!!???

Salzwedel Family said...


Intentional Living Homestead said...

Yippee...congratulations to all of you...can't wait till you are able to give more detail and show pictures...but for now, just rejoicing with you.


Mom 4 Kids said...

Awesome news! Can't wait to see the pics!

Stacy said...

Wow. So fast!! Probably not for you though.
Congratulations! That's wonderful.

Unknown said...

Congrats! What amazing news!

Sean and Lisa said...

Praise God for your newest blessing!! Praying him home GODSPEED!

Hilltrain said...


Violet said...

Praise God! So exciting. I can't wait to "meet" him!

Mommy's Journeys said...

Very exciting! Congrats!

Kimmie said...

Yeah!! So glad for all of you. Looks like we are expecting together...ours is from Ethiopia too. (via the stork from Celebrate Children!)

mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted

Kathleen said...

God is so Good!!! This is the best kind of news. Praying for you and your new little guy!!!

GinSpaghetti said...

Congratulations!!! Praising with you!!! Many prayers!!!

Joy said...

Wow - congratulations! I can just feel your joy! I didn't realize you were this close to a referral. What a wonderful blessing!

Meredith said...

Congratulations!!!! So excited for you... praying for you, your family and the safe and quick arrival of your Ethiopian angel. God is so good

Taylor said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see pictures of him! I bet he's super super cute.

Stori said...

YAY! We all know that smile so well. Isn't it amazing how God puts that love in our hearts: ) I am so excited for you! Praying that all goes quickly and smoothly.

Kim said...

Praising God from Hong Kong on the news of your newest blessing!

Donna said...


God Bless you all in this amazing journey!

Shonni said...

YEA!!! Praising the LORD for you new son!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That is awesome!

Jill said...

Praising the Lord with you and your precious family, Amy! What agency did you end up going with? Can't wait until it passes court and we get to see his sweet little face!

Andrea said...


Created For His Glory said...


Chantelle said...

YAY!!!:) :) :) Can we see his foot or his hand or something please? :) :)

angie said...

I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO Excited for you guys and can't wait to see your new beautiful baby boy!!

Sara said...

YEH! Congrats. I am sure Kaden will love having a brother close to his age to play with:)

Unknown said...

Great News!!!!

Valerie said...

Congras to your new baby boy! Many prayers to a speedy process.

Leah Wentzel said...

wow wow wow! i am so excited to see how it happens :)

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Congratulations - SO exciting!! xo

Debbie Doughty said...

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! I am SO happy for you and promise to pray he will be in your loving arms SOON!

darci said...

are you serious!??that is so so great! whoohoo! congrats, hallelujah, and can't wait to see his cute little face! praying with you. darci :)

Anonymous said...

AMEN! God is on the throne!!!! May you and your new son be blessed during your wait, safe in your travels and joyful in his homecoming!!


Jacksmom said...

Congrats!!!! I hope that is homecoming is swift!

Kelly said...

Praise the Lord...Amy, your words always inspire me...thank you for sharing your heart. Know we are praying for your family, including the little one, from right here in Ethiopia. Can you share with me what city he is in?

The gFamily said...

YAY!!! Congrats! I am praying for a smooth process and for him to come home to his amazing family soon!!

Phyllis said...

Oh, I'm so excited for you all. That is GREAT news!! Can't wait to hear more about him. Hope the process goes quickly and smoothly and you can go get that sweet boy soon!

Cliff and Tami said...

YEA!! so happy for your family!!


waitingarms said...


Recovering Noah said...

Congratulations, Amy!!! I'm so excited for you and your family... and, of course, Mr. Hudson. I want... excuse me, I NEED all the details (lol) so call me or email. I'm over here doing cartwheels for you! (Theoretically, of course) ;-)

Renea Lynch said...

Yeah God!!!! Congratulations! Can't wait to see his precious face too! Watching your journey.

Bethany said...

Oh wow, that's so exciting!! I can't wait to see his adorable face!