Thursday, February 7, 2008

Welcome HOME Mario!

My sister and family are floating on cloud 9 tonight with her new son in their arms forever! I actually got to talk to him on the phone briefly (my kids were grabbing the phone for their chance too!) He sounds SO SWEET and Jenny said he is of course drop dead gorgeous and REALLY FUNNY! God is good like that- knows exactly what child fits exactly in what family. I cannot wait to meet him and I am so excited they are all together at last! LOVE YOU MARIO!!!


Angel said...

He has such GORGEOUS eyes. I will be so grateful to hear wonderful reports of him starting to feel safe and secure. What a blessing that he is finally with his forever family. Angel

Instantly Mama said...

Welcome home Mario!

BTW, I tagged you on my blog today.

Anonymous said...

Mario is GORGEOUS! I'm so happy that he is with his family now. Makes my eyes tear up just to think of their first're right, God is so good at fitting our families together! DebbieT

Anonymous said...

Oh, Amy, he is too cute! Congratulations to Jenny and your entire family! You are so right about how God knows exactly what child fits with what family. Walt is sooooo much like Donnie, not only in looks but personality too!