Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Our newest Addition!!!

Once again- THANK YOU all so much for your prayers- we are SO EXCITED right now! We were actually chosen for BOTH kids- Sweet E AND Baby D!!! BUT- because the meetings were scheduled so close together our caseworker feels that they may not give us Baby D once they find out we were selected for Sweet E also. Part of me is sad, but the other part of me knows that God knew that and will work out the details. Apparently Baby D was just placed in her new foster home 2 weeks ago and they would LOVE to keep her- BUT because they had asked for homestudies to be sent in months ago to inquire about adopting her (which is when our caseworker sent in our information) the family did not know about her and therefore did not have the chance. So, perhaps now they will. I know it's all very complicated but it was our prayer all along- for God's will to be done. So we are giggling, excited, celebrating, dancing and praising God right now!!! ♥ Sweet "Kaden" is coming HOME! ♥


SupermomE13 said...

AMY!!!!!! I have been checking and praying all day and I am SO excited for you guys!!!

You have to email me a picture! :)

Hugs and HUGE congrats!!!


Michelle Riggs said...

WoooHoooo!!! I am so happy for you all, Amy!

Sara said...

I am so excited for you. I've been praying and thinking about you (oh yeh, and checking your blog too!). How wonderful! I am sure you will post details, as to when he will come home and how old he is. Yeh Block family!!!

Sarah said...

Yeah!!! Praise the Lord! I'm so excited! Congratulations!

Recovering Noah said...

Yea! Yea! Yea! I am so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to meet little Kaden and hold him and spoil him rotten as one of his many "aunties". (Did you know that I just appointed myself as one of his aunts?) :-)
Congratulations to you and your whole family. I'm sure the kids are so excited about having a little brother. Can't wait to meet him!

"Auntie" Leslie

Live to love and laugh said...

CONGRATS!!! I am so very happy for you and Kaden. He will have the neatest family I know.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! We are so happy for you! I have been stalking your blog all day today and am so excited to hear your great news! Looking forward to seeing pictures and learning when you will be getting him!

Anonymous said...

Yeah---celebrating with you! How exciting for all of you!!! Post details soon. Congratulations--Heather

Cliff and Tami said...

What wonderful news for your family - congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

That is such great news and I am so excited for all of you!!! Can't wait to hear more about him and the adoption. Oh, and more pictures, please :)


Jennifer said...

Amazing news! Been praying for your family... such a blessing!!!!