A few weeks ago, we posted about a sweet mother who has two disabled children, Adela(18) and David(29). We knew that their living conditions were dire, but nothing could have prepared us for what we were about to see! As we entered the home, we saw Adela and David lying in their beds, which were covered with blue tarps. The sweet widow shared with us that 2 of her 5 children had never walked or talked and could only understand a few things through the communication system she had developed with them. It was obvious that Ana did all she could to care for her children and her home, but even with her efforts, the stench of urine overwhelmed our senses. It hit me while we were there visiting that David was 29 years old...the same age as me (Dan)! I started thinking over all the years of my life, all I've done, the places I have been and all God's blessings in my life. I can't imagine 29 years of lying on the same mattress day in and day out with NO hope! These children of Ana's NEEDED wheelchairs desperately! What a difference in their lives it could make!
We were blessed to be able to go back this week with two wheelchairs and give HOPE thanks to the generosity of some great people! With the help of a team that is here, we were able to not only bless Ana and her children with the wheelchairs but also to paint her children's room and build in some storage for them! When we finished Ana just sat in her home and wept! She felt so blessed she didn't even have words to say!
Words can't tell the story, so I will let pictures and video do the job!
This was the first time we had seen them smile!
These AWESOME missionaries helped us get a hold of the wheelchairs!
David and Adela's New room after paint, new shelving, and repaired roof
Before we left, Ana told us that "in 29 years no one had ever cared about them...but now God sent you!" What a humbling and honoring moment for us! To top it all off, Ana, who has very little to her name, offered us two rabbits in return for what we had done for her. We explained to her that God had done this and not us! It reminded me of what God has done for us. He gave His son to save us and what we offer in return is like "two rabbits" to God.
What are your "two rabbits" that you can give to the Lord to further His work at Village of Hope-Guatemala?

This is so beautiful!!
what a son you have! tears sprung into my eyes immediately when I saw him helping that man into the wheel chair. so glad for what God is using you all to do!
So glad that our "two rabbits" are helping you all do the work of the Lord. Wish we could give more.
Laurel :)
Such an awesome report! Love his smile! :)
Is there any way to do raise money for new mattresses for them? It looks like they really need them...
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