Today we went to the courthouse to readopted Havyn and have her name officially changed. The judge was really good with the kids and it was quite obvious doing adoptions was one of the highlights of his job. You gotta love that. My sweet friend Jessica, our attorney, too has an amazing heart for adoption. It was precious to be surrounded by people who truly get it. :)
Thank you Lord once again for this precious baby girl. We are blessed beyond measure to call her our own.
Huge congratulations! I hope it didn't cost you a fortune like its going to cost me here in a few months. But its all worth it. There is just something special about re-adoption and making it all final. Miss you soooooooo much.
Congratulations! She is an absolute angel from the Lord and it looks like it was a wonderful day full of blessings.
Congratulations! You are a very beautiful family!!
Congrats! You all looks so JOY-ful!
God is so good Amy!
Love and blessings - Jill
Happy Readoption day!!!! YEAH!! :)
awww this is such happy news to read tonight. I'm so happy for your family and that precious Havyn now has a forever family. All the glory be to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!
Congratulations! You have a beautiful daughter and a beautiful family.
We just adopted a sibling set of three (from the foster-care system) this last January. It's our third adoption, but I don't think God's done with us yet. :)
Enjoy your newest addition. God bless!
Margie :)
CONGRATS! GREAT photo with the judge! Love it!
Congratulations! I love reading about your inspiring family!
Congratulations to all of you! I love the family photo. We didn't get one since Sarah was in the hospital at the time. I was if the judge would be willing to fake one? :) I also love that Havyn is holding the gavel.
Love to all of you!!!
Congratulations! Happy day!!
My cup runeth over...
CONGRATULATIONS to all of you. Absolutely love the photo.
Congratulations to the whole family!
Looking at your family brings tears to my eyes!
Congrats!! It's officially official!!
She couldn't possibly be sweeter. Congrats to your precious family. What a blessing it is to know you!
Congratulations on your re-adoption! Adoption is one of those things where every little step deserves to be celebrated!
Yay! Congratulations! Love her little dress!
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