Monday, July 26, 2010

Conversations with a 3 year old in the bathroom...

Okay, admit it, with that title you are expecting a story about something stinky....

While we do have plenty of those stories, I thought I would spare you today and share this one instead. :)

Today I was standing in the bathroom getting ready. I had just jumped out of the shower, threw on some clothes and was starting to do my hair. Kaden comes stumbling in, still half asleep. The first thing he does every morning is seek me out, hold his arms up in the air, which is his way of saying 'pick me up'. I love that.
Today was no different, I picked him up and hugged his warm little soft body against mine. (Seriously is there anything cuter than a little boy in boxers?) Kaden then points to the mirror, gets the BIGGEST smile on his face and exclaims "Look mom, I am black and you are white!! Isn't God the coolest?"
I love that. Love that in a world full of racism my son can see the beauty of God's creation and know that it is good.
We don't pretend to be colorblind. We don't try to make any of our kids something they are not. We celebrate our differences and see the 'coolness' of how God made each and every one of us- just the way we are.

Yes my sweet, beautiful boy, God is the coolest and I am so glad that you see that so clearly.
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Unknown said...


You are so beautiful friend!

Hugs and love,

Carin said...

Love this! If only as adults we didn't seem to lose this child innocence. Thank you for sharing!!

Angie said...

Nothing cooler than a child that sees God's goodness and blessings in everything He created!!

Shonni said...

That is just absolutely the cutest!!! I love it.

Chantelle said...

beautiful!! (and I agree on the boxers!) :)

natali said...

love it!!

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

That is too adorable!!!! Love it!!

Sophie said...

Children are often times wiser than adults! What an amazing little boy, that is definately one of the neatest things I've ever heard.

Mandie said...

God is the coolest! Thank you for sharing. May he always see how cool God is.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Lopez said...

I loved reading this post and I had a big smile myself when I got to that part about black & white; you have a great family!

Gina said...

That is just so sweet. I love how kids say the truth, and it is so simple. If only things were the same in the adult world.

Blessed said...

Ditto on all the comments so far. But what no one has said yet is that you are completely adorable with wet hair! : )

BrandiB said...

I love that you shared that, how cool!

Anonymous said...

That is so precious and paints such a neat picture in my mind.What a beautiful heart your boy has and what a testimony of the love you and your family give to him.

Anonymous said...

Soooooo sweet, Amy!

Angel said...

I LOVE THAT!! God IS the coolest little man!!

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Absolutely wonderful!! I love it!!!

Bethany said...

Aww, that is so sweet. He sounds like an adorable little boy :)

Ransomed~Redeemed said...

OH MY GOODNESS! You have a BEAUTIFUL FAMILY! I just love your blog. I could sit and look at those pictures for hours! I love seeing families that look like the kingdom of heaven... all colors shapes and sizes. I am so blessed to read how your little guy loves how God made him and how God made his mama. :-) In christ, Alida w5