Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dear God,
Thank you for letting me be their mom...

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Dardi said...

Gorgeous boys...gorgeous pictures! Their smiles are contagious!!!

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Now that is one cute duo!!! :)

Jeni said...

They are ADORABLE! What great pictures!

Deena said...

Seriously??? They are so sweet - I can't believe how adorable they are. Your photos are beautiful.

Melissa Stuff said...

Can't find a way to email you, but I am local to the DFW area and interested in adopting through the foster care system. I would love to talk with you about your experiences and how you went about everything.

You can reach me through my blog at MelissaStuff.blogspot.com or email me at melissastuffblog at gmail dot com.


Melissa Stuff said...

BTW I could eat these pictures up!!

Salvador Family said...

Oh my goodness, they are the CUTEST!! You are so blessed!

Unknown said...


Hugs sweet one!


Blessed said...

Ugh, your children are so BE-YU-TI-FUL it almost hurts.

Precious, precious creations.

I am so glad these little men are in your amazing family. : )


Angel said...

Pure sweetness and a very blessed momma! HUGS!

Unknown said...

LOL...they could not be any cuter!! Ohhh, so precious!!

Angie said...

They just look like the best of buddies!

Kelly said...

They are seriously too cute! Those pictures just made me smile..their smiles are contagious!!

Lexi said...

oh my goodness Mrs. Block, they are TOO CUTE!

Kristin said...

Ah, be still my heart!!

Chantelle said...

Two words ... CUUUU UUUUTE!

Aileen said...

Gorgeous! You are very blessed indeed to get to be their Mommy!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! Those are the cutest pictures, Amy! PRECIOUS!!!

Sophie said...

I love those smiles, what gorgeous boys these two are!!

Created For His Glory said...

So stinkin' cute!!!!

Kim said...


Pedro and Felis Patlan said...

They are sooooo adorable! You are so blessed to have them and they are blessed to have you!!!

BrandiB said...

This made me smile so big today! What a blessing I know they are!

hartelijk said...

Ohw, my heart aches of the beauty of them!

Bethany said...

And they are blessed to have you as their mom!!!!

Kristen said...

I am so blessed to be able to see these boys every week! I love them to death! I can't imagine what you feel to all your children, Mrs. Block!
God gave you a huge heart, and I know He is looking down on you and saying "Amy, well done my good and faithful servant"
