Sunday, March 14, 2010

New kid on the block

I fully admit I have been holding out on you guys....
So without further ado, I'd like to introduce to you Miss Havyn Minayehush

Havyn is 6 months old and from Ethiopia. We are blessed beyond words.

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Sara said...

You are very ornery Amy!!! We will let it slide, because Havyn is absolutely gorgeous!!!! Congrats:) You always having a way of suprising all your readers.

Allie Garcia said...

oh my goodness! she is adorable! did you guys adopt her???? details! :)

Living to Love said...

Sooo....I am brand new to your blog and haven't had a chance to read many past posts..but I am thinking that this post means that you have adopted this sweet baby girl and you kept it a secret on your blog through the process...WOW! Impressive self-restraint ;o) Can't wait to read more about the hows of the process and the whys of keeping it a secret until you got home.

She is just darling!!

Kathleen said...

I am so excited...No words..

She is perfect and so beautiful...

I am so happy for you!!!

How did this happen???

Blessings on your newest blessing:)

natali said...


I am SO thrilled for you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!

WOW. I never expected this!

Welcome, little Miss Havyn! She is SOOOOO beautiful!

I think I'm still in shock! LOL! BUT A GOOD SHOCK :))

Amy Clemons said...

Wow....she is gorgeous! Congratulations!

stacy said...

Oh my goodness!!! How exciting for you! She is so beautiful.

Kimberlie said...

Wow! I thought when you decided to pursue this new domestic adoption, your international adoption desires were put on hold. This is amazing!

I have a friend in Ethiopia right now adopting their daughter, who is two. So beautiful! I can't wait to hear all the details.

StarfishMom said...

Miss Havyn is BEATHTAKING!!!! Congrats to your gorgeous family! Can't wait to see her at HOME!!!

Hurry HOME Havyn!!!

{I cannot wait to see Carson either :)}

No Greater Gift Mom said...

Of course, she is beautiful! A true gift from our Father- you are truly blessed!
In Him,

Andrea Hill said...

Amy, Havyn just looks amazing. I mean she looks so perfect. Look at those eye, nose and mouth... Wow... I wished I had money so I can take you right back to ET with me just to take pics for me.. Love you and can't wait to chat more.

-Special Mothertivity- said...

Oh my word! She is just beautiful!! Congratulations!! What a surprise. :) I can't wait to hear all about your adoption experience with Havyn.

Dardi said...

Yayyy!!! So glad you don't have to keep that bottled up anymore! ;o) She's beautiful & I'm so glad you're home safe & sound. God is so good!!

Love ~ Dardi

Cliff and Tami said...

Beautiful addition to a beautiful family!


Finding Joy said...

Oh my goodness. What a beautiful little surprise (to us readers!!) blessing. Havyn is blessed to join such an amazing family...and you are blessed to have her in your arms! May His abundant blessings continue to pour down on you and yours.

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

WHAT???? How ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love those eyes!!!!!! Awww......BLESSINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sean and Lisa said...

She's beautiful! A big congrats to your whole family!

Meredith said...

Holy cow! What a good secret to keep! On a side note, I was thinking about the changes Ethiopia is bringing to their adoption process
and praying for the families I know that are adopting from Ethiopia... and thought of you guys and wondered how it was going! I'd say it's going GREAT!

Best thing I could've read all day (or maybe week)!

God Bless!

Sara Beth said...

She is a beauty, Congratulations!

JG said...

What a beauty!! So happy for you :)

Lisa H. said...

I have tears in my eyes and a BIG smile on my face. She is so BEAUTIFUL and all I can think is that quote about how "God's plans put our best imaginations to shame!"...Thinking of all that led up to this precious homecoming...Give Miss Havyn a squeeze from me! And a hug to you as well!

PS....That's the BEST kind of African "souvenior"!

Laurel said...


Can't wait to hear the whole story ... and can't wait to meet her on our next trip to TX. (You must promise that your whole family won't be sick the next time we head your way.)

Good news from my son in TX today. He visited a church this morning, was very impressed with the Biblical preaching, met another young man, and was invited to this young man's house to play board games this evening. Yea! God!

Hugs to you and the family!

Laurel & the gang :)

Lorraine, AKA Forever Blessed said...

PRECIOUS baby girl who is blessed with an AMAZING family!!! Welcome home ladies! Welcome to your awesome family, Havyn! You're gonna LOVE them!!! Can't wait to get caught up on everything, Amy. We missed you so much while you and Addie were gone. Anxious to hear about everything, but realize it will probably be a long time till you have time to catch us all up on the mission trip. Love y'all!

Donna said...

Congratulations to you and your family and your beautiful Havyn!!!!!

Amy said...

She is beautiful. Congratulations!

Sarah said...

Havyn is beautiful!! Congratulations Amy!!

Kalyn said...

she is so cute!!

Sophie said...

Oh my God, I can't believe it!! You are really adopting her?? She's stunning, I'm so happy for your family. God bless you, can't wait to see pictures of Carson either!! You sure can keep a secret.

Salzwedel Family said...

She is beautiful! What a precious gift.

Violet said...

She is DARLING! Oh, it just makes me ache to be a Mama even more! Sigh... God's timing can be HARD to wait for sometime.

Havyn is just heavenly! SO adorable!!!

Mandi said...

Oh Amy, she is beautiful. I am sure you are all in heaven right now. I can't wait to hear more about your trip.


Unknown said...


Welcome home - email when you get the chance.

Big hugs and lots of love!

Addie Talley, Photographer said...

I cannot believe you have kept this a secret... she is gorgeous!

Live to love and laugh said...

OH AMY. She is absolutely gorgeous. How could you keep such a beautiful baby undercover like this????

Andrea said...

Gorgeous!!! Congrats to you all!!! :o) Can't believe you have been able to keep this a secret!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Lopez said...

Wow!!! Beautiful Girl... Congratulations!!!

Angie said...

Oh my goodness, what a huge blessing! OK, I want to hear all about this. What agency did you use and how long did it take? My husband and I have been thinking Ethiopia for our next adoption, please share about the process! Thanks!
Angie from Indiana

Unknown said...

You are one sneaky, sneaky woman of GOD! She is beautiful beyond words and I look forward to reading up on her more and more... :)) OMG and to think I thought you were going to Africa to do a mission trip- :)


Molly said...

Oh my goodness! She is breathtakingly beautiful!! I can't wait to hear the story behind this precious sweetheart! :)

Trish said...

Amy, she is absolutely adorable!!!!!!!

Lisa said...

Oh what a blessing! She is gorgeous!!! HUGE hugs and congrats!

Angie said...

You are very strong for keeping this a secret!! She is beautiful and has the biggest, most alert eyes!! Congratulations!!

Charlow Family said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! God bless you all!

HollyAnn said...

Congrats Amy! As has already been stated many times...she is gorgeous! And I LOVE the name!!!!

Unknown said...

You sneaky thing!! I knew something was up, you were just too quiet these past couple of weeks!!

Oh my gosh, I am in LOVE with her...I may have to come scoop her up!!

Please, more details, SOON!!!

Love you!

Theo and Lisa said...

How Beautiful! We are hoping to get our referral this week. We are adopting a sibling group from Ethiopia! The wait has been long and we are ready! All Gods Blessing to you and your family!

Shauna said...

Congrats!! What a treasure!

BrandiB said...

I didn't realize you were in the middle of another adoption! She is beautiful, congrats to all of you!

Holly said...

Praise HIM my friend!! Amazing.
She is beautiful. Hope you feel up to writing about the experience some time soon.

stacy said...

So totally awesome. How do you do it all?!!
Congratulations. You are an inspiration!

Joy said...

Wow! You are good at keeping secrets! What a beauty! PlEEEAASE share details! I would love to hear the God stories surrounding this and the agency etc.

Chris said...

No wonder you are blogging about washing machines ect..exactly what is this cutie's status?...My word look at her!!

Phyllis said...

She is absolutely beautiful!! Congratulations.

Amy said...

She is beautiful! She looks like on of the family!

Melinda said...

I have been stalking your blog for any news of your return. Oh my goodness Amy!!! She is even more beautiful than I thought! Wow! I can't wait to hear all about your trip! Don't hold out too long even though I am sure you are a little tired! Congratulations!!!!!

Unknown said...

First, Bailey was going to be a Haven until a last minute change in the hospital. I love the name! Second, you once told me there was NO WAY you would ever be able to get a baby. God loves to prove us wrong ;0) Happy for you.

Reading Widely said...

Congrats! She is BEAUTIFUL! Will you be able to bring her home on this trip? So excited for you!

Tina said...

What a beauty you have!

Tina said...

What a beauty you have!

Kari said...

She is beautiful!!!

trustandobey said...

She is stunning! Congratulations!

Angel said...

I just LOVE those pictures. Precious... precious... precious. God is so good! He is so faithful to give us the desires HE has placed in our hearts. I TRULY adore you my friend and I love your whole family. YOU and your family are one of the greatest gifts I have received through blogging. I look forward to holding this new little miracle with the big beautiful eyes. Love, Angel

Margaret Christine said...

she is oh so BEAUTIFUL. Just LOOK at those eyes! God has given a sweet wonderful girl sweet and wonderful parents. xo

Debbie Doughty said...

Boy, if I ever need someone to keep a secret for me, I'll know who to ask! She is absolutely precious. I'll bet her big sisters think they have a new doll! Congratulations to the whole family, and praise the Lord!

Gretchen said...

You, my friend, are a stinker! How in the world could you keep that beautiful child a secret!! You are a better woman than I.

Congratulations! She is so amazingly beautiful! Enjoy your kiddos!

whenpigsfly said...

Details Amy we want DETAILS!!!!!!! She is absolutely stunning!! Ok we got the WHO,and the WHERE, we know the WHY,now please share the what and when !!
Congratuations on your new daughter!!

Jocelyn said...

you guys amaze me and i am in tears right now looking into the beautiful face of Havyn and thinking about all your family does for the kingdom of God. i am just amazed by your heart... i wish i had more words, but amazed is all i can think of right now in my shock and awe. congratulations... she is absolutely beautiful... those eyes... adorable... amazing.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! she is absolutely gorgeous. What a blessing!


kitzkazventure said...

I had been wondering how your Ethiopian adoption was going...I guess now we know!! :) So Happy for you all and wow is she PRECIOUS! Looking forward to seeing Carson one of these days too! :)

Mommy's Journeys said...

Congrats to your whole family! What a cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Amy! I did not realize that you were bringing her home!!! Congratulations....we are so happy for you! Donnie and I were just talking about you all this past weekend. We want to come out that way sometime and visit with you guys! Love and miss you! Hope you had a great birthday!

The gFamily said...

WHAAAAAAAAAT? That is the best surprise ever! OH MY WORD, SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I want to jump through the screen and kiss her sweet cheeks! This makes me want to go meet the little girl from Ethiopia in my dreams! I just love you and how you follow the Lord, whatever he may ask of you!

Amber said...

She is absolutely beautiful. Those eyes are breathtaking!

Doreen said...

HUGS AMY ,TODD and are very blessed.. your new daughter is so very precious and beautiful.. i am so happy for you and send lots of love to you and your new family....

Julie said...
