Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Summer Lovin-

Had me a blast...

I absolutely love summer. I love having the kids home from school, love sleeping in, grilling out, picnics and spending time with friends and family. These past few days have been full of just that and we are loving every minute of it! On Monday we got to spend time with Kaden's foster family. We ABSOLUTELY ADORE them all. Actually, we consider them more than just friends- they are family now. Kaden gets so excited when he knows he gets to see them- well, actually we all do. Talk about precious people. Truly, the best. They will always, always have a special place in our hearts for loving Kaden before we even knew he existed. There is no way we could ever thank them enough. WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!

And then today the Daddy surprised us by taking us here...

It was the pefect day- nice and hot and full of fun!


denie heppner said...

love all those brown bodies. i too have a brown baby and she is just luscious. mmmmm. bless you all! would love to hear your whole story.

Andrea Hill said...

Awhh, I wish I could enjoy some of that summer fun. I wish I could quit my job. Have a wonderful summer time. The pics are great.

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Love all the pics. We adore our child's (our oldests) former foster family too! They are great!!!!!

Unknown said...

Looks like fun!

Glad you got to enjoy some SONshine!

Hugs and blessings from another Momma who loves the SUMMER!


Unknown said...

So happy that you guys are having a relaxing summer :0)

Anonymous said...


Sean and Lisa said...

Aaww! Beautiful, just beautiful! You are so very blessed indeed...

Amy said...

Your family is beautiful. I just found your site and added myself as a follower. I look forward to more beautiful pics.
Have a praise filled day!

Room For More said...

Did you really have to post these and remind me that I wasn't there???

I GUESS I'll forgive you since you did take pics of a certain someone for me.

: )

Love you!

The Pelhams said...

Where is that at and what is it called, I wanna go!!