Thursday, February 19, 2009

High Chair Derby


A. Gillispie said...

Okay,that TOTALLY needs to be sent in to America's Funniest Home Videos!!! Hilarious!!!!

Kathleen said...

I am laughing as I type this....I think that this could win America's Funniest Home Video contest. Boys are such a Joy and their energy is endless...

Bonky's Mom said...

okay..that is hilarious! That's why I love you guys!

Lisa said...

Too Cute! Looks like the little one got stuck!

April.. said...

That is so cute.. I needed a good laugh after being stuck in the house today with a sick kid.. That is so funny..

Jenny said...

Just in case you get bored around your let's see what can we do? Oh...let's try racing in our highchairs! Too funny!

Pattie said...

What a hoot. Thanks for sharing the JOY

Barry and Amy said...

LOL! Your home looks like THE place to be!

hello somebody said...

That is absolutely adorable!! My boys loved watching it too!

Anonymous said...

Some more of that "cracking" me up stuff... you know what I'm talking 'bout!

Unknown said...

So adorable! HIS EYES are captivating-what a doll!

Anonymous said...

The winner had wheels, seems unfair.

Recovering Noah said...

LOL. That Kaden! Honestly, he's going to win an Olympic Gold Medal one of these days. He is the FASTEST kids I've ever met.

Who cares if he had wheels. It's an adorable video and both boys look like they're having a blast. ;-)

Anonymous said...

My kids keep watching this over and over! It is so funny!

Phyllis said...

That is TOO funny!! Thanks for giving me a good laugh today.

Live to love and laugh said...

That is so funny.
What a way to brighten your day.

Debbie T said...

That is HILARIOUS, Amy!!!! And so fun! Hugs!!

Linda said...

My toddlers love watching this- they can totally relate! So cute!!

Anonymous said...

mom who put that its not fair cuz kaden has wheels? jace usually wins and he is 6 months older ... plus u always tell me lifes not fair, so just lighten up and have :)

Elizabeth said...

Those are some serious moves to those high chairs moving across the floor!! Way to go all the way Kaden!! LOL

Abby said...

Oh my goodness! That is just the cutest, funniest thing ever!

I just stumbled upon your blog, and want to tell you what an inspiration you and your family are! I can't wait to catch up on all your old posts.

We are looking to adopt from Rwanda in a year or so. I am expecting again and we have to wait until the baby is 6 months old. So, while I am waiting patiently for our new one and our adoption..your blog is keeping me encouraged and inspired.

Thanks for sharing!!

Kimmie said... sure do know how to have fun!

mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted

Amy Clemons said...

Oh My Gosh.... That is so funny!

Unknown said...

Great job at looking for the smile in the midst of a storm. I am loving lovin lovin you from afar.

Anonymous said...

that is so funny! love you! -Raegan

Holly said...

Love how kids can make you laugh no matter what you're facing!
My family heard the video from the other room and came in running...they thought it was hilarious!
Way to go man!
And a tip for your brother...put your hips into it man!
ha ha ha

Mel said...

I came over here from the Riggs blog and I will definately be stopping by more...Adoption is awesome and my youngest two are from the FC system.

Janie Rider said...

Hi this is Janie Rider. We are knitted together through the Eagles Nest. Met you in KS in 2005 and then again in Bloomington, IL in 2007. Paul and I and family moved to IN in October. We are hosting the Eagles Nest Reunion June 2009 in Lafayette, IN. I love Abby Riggs and it seems as though you know the Riggs Family personally. If you would be so kind to send me an email address or a mailing address for them that would be great. We want to send Abby a package. Hope all is well with you..sounds like your family is grownig...that is great! Take care and maybe I will see you in June.
Janie Rider

Andrea Hill said...

What a funny video...

Kimberly said...

I just found your blog and have loved reading about you guys. It sounds like you have an amazing family! As I'm typing this, I'm laughing SO hard from the video clip! That was great!

Laurel said...

We've watched this many times today, as the kids keep telling me, "Mom, you need to show _____."

Too funny!

Laurel :)

Angel said...

That is HILARIOUS!!! That Kaden is quite the competitor! :0)Made me giggle. Hugs friend, Angel