Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wordless Weekend


Anonymous said...

The new camera is paying off. What darling pictures. I especially liked the brown button on Travis' letter jacket.

G and G

Jenny said...

That's not fair...I was already missing you all so much and now it's even worse! I love you beautiful family!!!! Who took the picture of you and Todd? Not too bad! lol jenny

Elizabeth said...

Beautiful pictures!! Looks like you guys had a great weekend!!!! We are doing this potty training thing this week....say LOTS of prayers!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Amy, those are so good! Man I wish we lived closer to you guys! Miss you so much!

Holly said...

Such beautiful children......but even more......their hearts that are being developed in love of the Lord. You are an amazing Mama. Don't let the hard days get you down because you ARE building cathedrals my friend.

Doreen said...

Your family is beautiful and their happiness and love for eachother. doreen

kim p said...

You have such beautiful kids, Amy. They are so blessed to have you for a mom. : )

Michelle Riggs said...

Great pictures! Man I miss you guys.