They were found eating dirt, doing everything they could to survive. The oldest little girl is nine, and it is obvious she has been the only mother figure in their lives. Today they were given a bath, a head treatment, a haircut, a couple of outfits, shoes and a whole lot of love. And as the days and weeks go on, they will be given a whole lot of Jesus.
I wish I could think of some way to explain to you the look I saw in their eyes. The look of fear- and then the look of hope. I wish there was some way you could walk in their shoes for just one day so that you could fully understand. Because, my fear is, this is just another post. Just another story... and for some reason when it isn't ours story- we tend to not care as much.
The truth is, after the placement of these five in our children's home- we are full. We have three bedrooms and 32 children.
Simply put, there is no room for more.
So the next call, and the next call after that and the next call after that- will have to be turned away. Children who are just as important as these, children who are just as important as you and I.
I don't know about you, but I find this kind of ironic. Kind of ironic- especially this time of the year- that there is...
No room.
So often I have wondered if they had known who Jesus was if they still would have turned Him away?
And then I question-aren't we still doing the same?
Every day we wake up and fill our lives with stuff. Stuff that consumes our time, our thoughts and our wallets. We pack more and more into each day- chasing after more stuff- stuff that isn't at all about his Kingdom- but ours.
And pretty soon, our lives are full- too full for Him.
You and I were put on this earth to make more of Jesus. Not to obtain more for ourselves. And yet somehow, especially during the Christmas season, we have gotten that so turned around.I cannot help but wonder how many of those Inn keepers ever realized that they missed the chance to be a part of the greatest miracle they would have in their lifetime? And I cannot help but to wonder how we could do the same?
Today I am asking you to stop and ask the Lord how you might be able to help us make room for His children- and how we can make room for more of Him in our lives. Whether it be being a voice for those who have none, serving, giving, or praying- we need your help. They need your help.
If the Lord has laid it on your heart please help spread the word about our need here at Eagles Nest. Please pray that the Lord's perfect plan will be revealed and that every piece of it will fall into place. And if you are able to give financially you can give HERE. Thank you so much for being His hands and feet to these children and for helping us making room for more.

How can we help? Do you need more beds? Or do you have to have more rooms added on to add beds??? If it's beds you need, we will find people to donate money for beds.
If it's space for beds, we will pray about how we can help raise funds for that.
Love your hearts. Wish we were there. I feel like once we get past this adoption, we are free to go. Keep us in your prayers.
Praying!!! Thank you Amy for your challenging posts. So many over the last year or so have really moved my husband and I to search our hearts and MOVE! Praying for your family and the sweet sweet children!
Mrs. Block, this is one of the most powerful posts I've ever read. I can't even imagine the feelings that go with this for your family and thank you for constantly proclaiming the truth. I am praying for all of you.
Much love,
I agree with Rebecca, what is the need; beds, rooms, both? More? Please let us know we will be happy to spread the word.
Thank you for sharing this. This was just what I needed to read tonight. God used this post to work in my heart. I will spread the word about your needs too.
Thanks friends- our need right now is to add onto the children's home. We need to raise most likely around $10,000 (they are working on the exact estimate of cost). There is a place above the children's home that we can put an additonal large bedroom. So at this point we are looking at the funds to do that. Thank you for caring and for your help!!!
Tears tears and more tears! Are these kids adoptable or did you say that the country is closed to adoptions? What a gift God has given you to see the need and fill it! Prayers always for these children and your family. SO many hurting people in this world, such ignorance from so many of us that get wrapped up in the wrong things. I am mostly praying for our eyes to be opened and for us to see Jesus so that way we can be His hands and feet! Not just another post!
Do you need sponsors for any of these new children? If so, what is the cost, how would we go about doing it, etc? And could we send letters, cards, gifts, to the children there? Every year my church looks for an organization to support with our VBS mission, and I'd love for it to be you if there is something we could collect that we could send to the children there. My email is tanddaunt at yahoo dot com if we could be of help. Our church is small, but we are always looking for ways to serve others when we can.
Hi Amy! We have officially joined your team. We are priviledged to be called to be a sender. Thank you for going and following God's calling for your family to meet the needs of these precious children. Prayers for all of you that God will call more senders. In His love-The Greco family, Christina & Matt, Julia, Madelyn, Claire, Vincent
I would love to help!I'm 14, and maybe after Christmas I will have some extra money to donate...
I recognize the look in the younger 2 girl's eyes. That's the look of hurt and distrust:(. Praying for them and you guys. I posted on FB. Can't wait to see what God does!
Is there a way ( did I miss the subscribe button?) on your blog to subscribe to each of your posts? Thank you, Alida w5
Oh, Amy....I am at my computer now to compose a letter to pass on to others the needs you have at Eagles Nest. May the Lord do exceedingly abundantly more than what we can ever ask or imagine for these dear children and your family. I am so thankful I get to come to Eagles Nest in January. Thanks for being the hands and feet of Jesus!
This is such a convicting post. Would you be willing to let us share it on We Are Grafted In ( I know you've contributed in the past, so we have your bio and pic. We'd just need your permission. Just let me know.
Stephanie (smurphy 28 @ juno . com)
co-administrator of WAGI
thanks for the painful I needed to hear.
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