A sweet friend of mine, Elizabeth, has one of the biggest hearts I know. God gave Elizabeth a wonderful talent of creating cards and so Elizabeth put her talent and her heart to work. This year ALL (every single penny) of the proceeds she makes off of her hand created Christmas cards goes to the work we are doing here at Eagles Nest orphanage. Isn't that incredible? What a blessing!!!

If you are needing to purchase Christmas cards this year we would so appreciate it if you purchased them with Elizabeth
here. :)
Thank you Elizabeth for seeing a need and using your time and talent to make make a difference in the lives of so many. You are such a blessing sweet friend!!!
I was LITERALLY just thinking about you and realizing that I hadn't seen a blog post lately. It's wonderful to hear from you! And that is so wonderful :)
Thank you Amy for this link!
Awww! Cute :)
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