Monday, June 21, 2010

Uniquely you

You make everything more beautiful....

This past weekend I took the girls out for a little photo shoot. I am so in awe of how God put our family together and I absolutely love how each one of our children is beautiful in their own way. Each child is different in color, body shape and size- yet they are all uniquely beautiful.
But more than anything what completely blows me away is their inside beauty- and I couldn't be more proud to be their mom. :0)

image signature


Unknown said...


That first shot of Addy ROCKS! Gorgeous - oh my she is growing up fast...our girls sure are pretty special!

Love every single shot!

Love you,

Kelli said...

Beautiful girls! Addisyn, I have a TOMS flag too! GO GIRL!

Sophie said...

Your girls are absolutely beautiful!

Laurel said...

So cute!

Absolutely LOVE the new family pic at the top. Oh my! So precious!

Love you all (or y'all, since you live in TX),

Laurel :)

Angel said...

I could NOT agree more. God has blessed our families with such a diversity of breathtaking beauty! I love seeing the precious and original beauty in all of them.

Shonni said...

Beautiful pictures!!!! And I love getting to see little Carson on the side and in the family picture.

Kim said...

OH MY ... every shot is gorgeous. You seem to have captured on film each of your girls inner beauty shining thru!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Your girls are absolutely gorgeous! Miss you guys!


Recovering Noah said...

Gorgeous photos, Amy! I agree... that first one of Addy is beautiful. And, yeah, TOMS rock! They're the best shoes!

You're such a talented photographer, Amy. Of course, it makes it easier when the photo subjects are so incredibly beautiful! :-)


sallee said...


Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures, Amy!!!

And yes, your header picture is AWESOME!! :)

Andrea said...


Dardi said...

So, so sweet! Forgive me, I have photography skills envy.

Leah Maya Benjamin said...

really beautful shots! just awesome, its funny how such a rusty place can be such a beautiful backdrop.

Unknown said...

Absolutely Beautiful!

Andrea Hill said...

Beautiful girls and what an incredible job. You got the gift:) Can I please fly you down here and have you take some photos of my girlies' too?

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

You certainly do have beautiful children. And you have an amazing gift for photography, but also for putting together outfits, props, and backgrounds! I would need a book to help me with those kids of things :) xo

Anonymous said...

Great pics, Amy! Loved them!!!

Kelly said...

oh, I love this Amy....

KGChrissy said...

These are amazing photos and your girls are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

The pictures are just gorgeous Amy. Love the backdrops too. I am so blessed to have such beautiful grand daughters.

Love, Mom

Chris, Tammy and the gang! said...

Beautiful girls and beautiful pictures. WOW!!!!!

Mary Ann said...

Beautiful pictures of beautiful girls! You are very blessed!

Lindsay said...

Got chills looking at each picture. God has been so good to you! They are each so beautiful!!

Where are you taking these shots? I'm loving the background and live in the same general area as you. Im always looking for different areas to shoot pictures!