Monday, January 18, 2010

We got the...


(Thanks Patterson family for our new drums! We haven't stopped drumming yet)

And now for your viewing pleasure...


Our Beautiful Disaster said...

Oh. My . goodness!! SO CUTE!! My favorite is the little one in the hat and sunglasses with the backwards guitar!! Hoe fun!!

Stacy said...

Omigosh! Your kids are too cute!!!

Amy said...

Looks like so much fun. Thank you for sharing the cuteness.

My son got an accordion for Christmas from one of my aunts. I am pretty sure it was meant as a punishment for us :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE the pics! He is so cute.When you started out "We got the ...I thought you were going to say you have gotten custody of Carson and could share pictures.It's still special to see his cute brother.

Sean and Lisa said...

Fabulous! They need to take that show on the road! LOL!

They are beyond precious!!

natali said...

Aww... such beautiful kids!

Unknown said...

THAT ROCKS! On every level - LOVE IT!

They are precious Amy! So cute - oh my word!

Give them all hugs from us!


Joy said...

Does it get any better than that?! What a riot - these are the days - cherish them. I wonder how long the drums will last until you set them up in the garage LOL:)

Adeye said...

Oh my goodness---is it even possible to be any cuter than that?????

Absolute viewing pleasure :)


Tracy said...

Hilarious! I love the first pic with the drums outside?? That's where our set would be located!! Who needs happy neighbors anyway?!? Love the video, def. star quality.

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

TOO CUTE!!!!!! Can they come this summer and lead worship for the camp? :)

Andrea Hill said...

That video is hillarious. I love how you have your newest addition in disguise.

Lorraine, AKA Forever Blessed said...

Hahahahaha, love it!!! So glad the drums are being passed on to a little one who will love them as much as our Sawyer did! (He drummed continuously on those drums for 2 years, right about the same age as Kaden!)...And we kept them outside, too! :-) Love the rock version of "Jesus Loves Me"! Watch out DC Talk/Toby Mac!

Lisa H. said...

Tooo Funny! And SOOOOO cute! My favorite part is Aleigha's foot!

Lisa H.

Cari said...

blahahaha! That's the first time I've ever heard "a one..a two.." right before "Jesus Loves Me"!

So cute!

Stacy said...

Love this!!


Donna said...

Great!!! Thanks for the morning smile!!

Tanya said...

omgosh! that's one of the cutest things i've ever seen!

Anonymous said...

What a way to start my day!!!!! That was precious!
Love you guys,

Renea Lynch said...

Okay, that was just too fun for words!!!! I ♥ it!!! And I noticed the first picture the drums are sitting 'outside'. ;) my kids have always wanted drums.... you're a braver mom than me! Sharing your video to give others a smile today. What a true blessing. :)

Debbie T said...


Elizabeth said...

They are so precious!!!

Tina said...

Loved the video! Who knew guitars could be played upside down! And with such a joyful sound unto the Lord :) Loved it!!


Unknown said...

Did Debbie P give you guys the drum set? Was she mad at you? Just kidding! They are so cute. I love how Caden counted off on his drumsticks. And how talented is Carson? He can play the guitar backwards. The girls look like naturals.

Anonymous said...

Cute...they are so fun!!


Pedro and Felis Patlan said...


kitzkazventure said...

Priceless, simply well as cute,adorable, and all those other words!

Phyllis said...

Oh, that is hilarious!! I love it. Have never heard 'Jesus Loves Me' quite like that. They sure rocked it!!

darci said...

so so cute!!

Christi said...

Too cute!!!