Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I should be mad...

Because after all, we made a deal...

And HE broke his end of the bargain.

You see, we agreed not to spend ANY money on each other or on things that we didn't really, truly need.

But then again...

couldn't one consider chocolate a real need?

Especially when it comes in the form of a chocolate covered strawberry- that happen to be your very favorite treat in the world?

And especially given the fact that it was a 'just because I love you' kind of gift-and not even for a special occasion?

And especially when the giver is as handsome as this?

Well, maybe just this one time I can let it slide...

Thank you honey- I love you more than chocolate covered strawberries. :0)
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Unknown said...


I'll be right over to share :)

He is so sweet!

The kids look eager to share too!

Cute photo!

Love you,

Anonymous said...

What a sweetie. Maybe you should let this one slide... :)

Anonymous said...

maybe you should let this one slide :)

Unknown said...

we have the same name and the same taste in yummy treats! How sweet of your husband. Love you

Dardi said...

Oh, yum!!! My hubby knows not to even think of bringing me bouquets of flowers, but a bouquet of chocolate covered strawberries...I think I could totally let that one slide! :oP

trustandobey said...

I am with you...chocolate covered fruit's!!!!
I would let this one slide:)

FullPlateMom said...

MMMM...TASTY! What a "sweet" guy.

Phyllis said...

Oh, that is so sweet! Yes, I think you should let it slide just this time :)

Andrea Hill said...

So yummy. Ha, this one you got to forgive as long as your little booty doesn't get any bigger:)

Renee said...

This is worth delurking for, apparently.

I believe chocolate is definitely one of Maslow's basic needs.

And now is the part where I tell you how very blessed I have been by your blog since finding it a couple months ago. <3

James 1:27 Family said...

I love that he bought that for you and I love that he posed for your blog picture. Praise God for great husbands!

Love you much!

Sara said...

Amen to "Praise God for great husbands!"

Stori said...

Some deals are made to be sweetly broken! Wow! I can't believe all the excitement that has happened in your house while I was in Africa! Congratulations on the love of a new little one : )

Sophie said...

How yummy! What a sweet thing for him to do. Hey after all you deserve a treat from your sweet once in a while. Know try to enjoy them before the kids devour them!!

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!! yep I think you could let it slip just this once!!! I mean look at that!

darci said...

oh , yay. so sweet. :)

The Gobble's (Lanetta) said...

ahhhh... how sweet!!!