Saturday, May 30, 2009

What makes life so sweet...

Tonight was Travis's senior prom... one more of his 'lasts'. Seems to be a lot of those lately, kind of hard for this mommy's heart to take.

That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet.
~ Emily Dickinson


Tina said...

Beautiful! My son graduated In 2007 and it was so hard to see this part of his life come to an end....

Anonymous said...

GREAT PICS! Can't wait til those are HSU dances he's going to! :)


Sarah said...

What beautiful pictures, what beautiful memories.

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

These are great pics! I'm so happy that the kids played along for all of these cute poses. I hope they had a fun time at prom :)

Andrea Hill said...

Those are beautiful pictures. I especially love the last one. You must be so sad your first born is off to college but at least he is not so far away like on the other side.

Anonymous said...

AWWWW....they look great! Hope they had a great time!


Unknown said...

What beautiful photos Amy!

Praying they had a wonderful, blessed and safe time!

Love you,

Recovering Noah said...

Awww, those are great pictures, Amy.

You sure do make beautiful babies! (And I'm talking about the youngest three, too!) :-)

Anonymous said...

Those are REALLY good, Amy! I hope that had a nice time!
Miss you guys!

Melinda said...

Love the pictures Amy! Such a handsome guy! I can't imagine how hard it is to see your first born graduate and leave home for the first time, but I think you have done an awesome job and he will do great!

Amy said...

Hope they had a great time! Though it is one of those "lasts" now you have many "firsts" coming your way in the next phase of life. :)

Phyllis said...

What great pics of those beautiful kids!

Anonymous said...

How handsome! And you got the teenagers to agree to a "photoshoot" Amy said it well, here's to many "firsts".

Doreen said...

A huge Congratulations Travis ... and many blessings to you in your super bright future of an adoption attorney!!! Beautiful pictures Amy.. !!

Unknown said...

You do NOT look old enough to have a graduating senior. Miss you and love you.