Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

“He is not here; for he has risen” Mathew 28:6


Jman's momma said...

Happy Easter Amy!!

Beautiful pictures of your family.


Unknown said...

LOVE your boy's hat-he is THE CAT'S MEOW! And the girls flowers-2 die 4~

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous kiddos! They are all just darling.....Just explain to me how you let them color eggs in their nice clothes!?!

Lisa H.

Adeye said...

Yes, praise God the tomb is empty. I love seeing all the pics of your gorgeous kiddos. Thank you for allowing me to journey with you.

Praying that your heart is healing and God's peace is filling you.

Stacey said...

You have such a beautiful family!! Hope you had a blessed Easter.
HE has risen!!
Take Care,

Created For His Glory said...


Recovering Noah said...

Girl, you are BRAVE to let them dye eggs in their Easter dresses. lol

LOVE the pics. Your kids are so cute. And I love, love, love Kaden's hat.

Leslie :-)

Doreen said...

PRECIUOS pictures Amy... looks like you all had a "Blessed and Happy Easter"

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing about the dresses! :) The pictures are adorable! I'm glad you all had a great Easter, even though it rained cats and dogs all day.

Unknown said...

Amy those are such beautiful photos!

Love the hat and flowers!!!!

The children looked like they had a wonderful Easter!

Praising our RISEN Savior with you!

Hugs and love,

Andrea Hill said...

Happy Easter!! You got some awesome snapshots and those eggs are beautiful.

Phyllis said...

Oh, those are precious pictures. Those kiddos of yours are gorgeous!

Michelle Riggs said...

Beautiful Pictures!