Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sharing the Fathers love this Father's Day....

(Photo credit:

My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person,
he believed in me. - Jim Valvano

In just a few short days fathers all around the world will be celebrated.  Neck ties, homemade cards colored with bright crayons, and hugs and kisses will be given to show the love.

These fathers are to be commended because by investing into the life of a child- they will make a profound effect on that child's life~ and therefore a profound effect on His kingdom.

In our homes here on earth we are taught through the love of a father- and through that love we see a reflection of our heavenly Father’s love. Through that love we learn confidence, compassion, strength, trust, faith and who we are in Christ.

Yet unfortunately not every child has this opportunity.

But our God had a plan... He himself was more than willing to help make up for absent fathers. That is why He promised to become a 'father to the fatherless' (Psalms 68:5)... and we should see what a blessing it is to join Him and do the same. 

Here at Village of Hope we strive to teach the fatherless who God truly is by providing Faith, Family and a Future but we can't do this on our own. We need you to join us and share your fathers love.

So this Father’s Day, in honor of your earthly father- or better yet, in honor of your God- would you be willing to join us by reaching out to a child and providing them with an opportunity to experience the love of a family? The love of a mom and dad? And the love of The Father?

To give hope in honor of your father this year please go here:
 and donate to Village of Hope.

If you would like an electronic card emailed to them letting know you made a donation their name please email

Thank you for bring hope to the least of these in His name.

Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom”. –Luke 12:32

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Monday, June 10, 2013

When the Lord called us to start Villageof Hope, we all knew that it was way bigger than ourselves! We are so blessed by the leadership of Lifesong for Orphans and Project Hopeful and continue to be amazed at their experience and wisdom.  

The other thing that the Lord continues to make clear to us day after day is that we are NOT in this alone… that this is the work of the Spirit and that He will call believers all over the world to be a part of the Village of Hope ministry.

It’s the stories that the Lord continues to write that break our hearts for the lost, the lonely, and the hurting in Guatemala. 
Stories like Brenda... 

stories like Mario...

stories like Rosa... 

and stories like Yessica...

But that’s not where the work ends… the Lord has so clearly called us to provide family to those without… to provide hope to those with none… and to give faith to those who don’t yet know Jesus. That’s what we are committed to and we trust that the Lord will finish the good work that HE has started!

If you’re like many other Christians today, the Lord is breaking your heart and stirring within you to defend the cause of the orphan…. To do something about the plight of the orphan… we ask you to prayerfully consider bring HOPE to the hurting in Guatemala. The Lord can use your skills in so many ways… and in order to further our ministry, our work on the ground in Guatemala, we need the body of Christ to continue to work together… some the hands, some the feet, some the arms, some the heart… what is the Lord calling YOU to do?

Explore ways that you and your church can partner with Village of Hope-Guatemala here.

Would you share about Village of Hope with 5 other people? Would you make a donation to help us finish the required railings and other projects around the property? Would you talk with your pastor or missions director about your church partnering with Village of Hope? Ask the Lord… HE alone will direct your path!

Consider helping us further the work the Lord has called us to by making a monetary donation:

Photos courtesy of Lora Ann Photography image signature