Monday, January 30, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

One Day...

From my daughter Addisyn...

Ever since moving to Guatemala, my eyes have been opened to the many needs of those living around us. My friends, the kids that I laugh and play soccer with, and go to church with, live in poverty every day and it breaks my heart. I hurt for them knowing that most of their day consists of working in the fields so their family can eat that day and it breaks my heart further that they can’t even afford to go to school. They wear the same torn up clothes every day because they can’t afford new ones and yet they never complain. These kids are no longer just a face to me anymore- they are my friends.

“Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God.”  - Bob Pierce

Last year on February 3rd, a group of us decided to do something about the poverty I had witnessed in Ethiopia while picking up my baby sister Havyn- so we launched the One Day/One Lunch project. You can read about it here: 
Over $6,000 was raised for the Adami Tulu Preschool in Ethiopia, because people like YOU and people like ME decided to do something. We came together and chose to give up our lunch for just one day and donate what we would have spent on lunch that day to those in need instead. That small sacrifice made a huge difference in those many children's lives. I cannot thank you enough for that.

This year, I like to once again ask you to join me in making a difference in the life of a child. This year on the one year anniversary , February 3rd, I’d like to ask you to join me once again in going without lunch and give what you would have spent on lunch that one day to Eagles Nest International to be used for school scholarships. But I’d also like to ask you to take it a step further and challenge your friends, your family, your coworkers, your class mates and your entire school or entire church to join in. Can you imagine what an impact we could make if God’s people came together and decided to sacrifice by giving up their lunch- for just one day? It’s something so simple we can all do.

As we all know, education is the key to breaking free from the cycle of poverty and yet so many of us take it for granted. It cost approximately $450 a year per student to attend the New Day Christian school on Eagles Nest campus. $450 a year for a child to not only be educated in math and science but more importantly in the word of God. While not all of us have $450 laying around, if a bunch of us came together and gave what we could, gave up our lunch money for one day- together we could make a difference.

Will you please join us this February 3rd? Will you be a part of bringing the message of hope and healing to those who have so little?

All it takes is…

One Day.

One Lunch.

Are you in?

 To give go here: (scroll down for school scholarships please).  Thank you for being a part of these children's hope for the future. :)

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My dad told me that he noticed that I hadn't been writing very much lately and asked why. The truth is, I'm not exactly sure anymore how to put into words or how to process all of the things we see here in a day. Sometimes my heart is so heavy and my emotions are so raw I don't even know where to begin.

So much newness...

So much change...

And in truth, many days I struggle with how to balance it all.

So for today, I am doing all I know how to do- taking it one step at a time, learning as I go and  handing the rest over to Him and trusting that He has a plan.

And so out of exhaustion and lack of words I will leave you with some random pictures of our days here.. 

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

We absolutely love having short term mission teams come serve along side of us here at Eagles Nest. This past week we have been so blessed by an amazing High School team from Bloomington/Normal, Illinois. They have done so much in helping us get the school ready for the new school year that begins next week here.

One of the things we have discovered is that teams that come really want to know more about the culture here in Guatemala and how they do life on a daily basis. So, today we took this team to the home of one of the families who work with us here at Eagles Nest so they could experience a meal Guatemalan style and experience their lives first hand.

We started it off with a ride in a tuk tuk to the families home.

With a short walk the rest of the way...

We arrived at the home..

They washed their hands before..

Giving tortilla making a try...

After that they were seated at their table (and left the cooking to the experts)...

 They prayed in Spanish and enjoyed their meal...

Served by an adorable wait staff...

Thank you so much Cornerstone- what you have done has made a difference and we are so grateful for each and every one of you!
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Thursday, January 12, 2012

This past week we have spent a lot of time in prayer for so many loved one who are suffering physically. From friends and their families back in the states to children and adults around us- every where we turn the Lords hand of healing is needed... and I am so thankful we know who the Great Physician is.

This is Johnny.

 Johnny is one of the little boys who attends the Manna Feeding Center here and his mother happens to be the Manna cook. Their entire family has become so precious to us. About a month ago Johnny's family discovered a lump on the side of his neck believing it was just a swollen gland. A little less than a week ago they took Johnny back to the doctor and discovered the lump had grown quite a bit and there was another beside it- he was admitted to the emergency room at the hospital fearing it is Lymphoma. Yesterday we went to visit Johnny and his mom at the hospital and pray with them as they await news from the tests. The good thing is Johnny seems to be feeling fine and was up and about and for that we are so thankful.

If you would join me in praying for Johnny and his family I would appreciate it more than you could possibly know.

Clinging to His word...

"'Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security. Jeremiah 33:6
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Friday, January 6, 2012

In a world full of hate, greed and love of self, I am blown away that God allows me the privilege of seeing HIS people love on those they have never met, serve each other, and give so selflessly.  There is not a house grand enough, a diamond big enough,  a car cool enough or a position prestigious enough to compare to the joy of witnessing His word in action.

This past week we were blessed beyond measure to have an awesome short term mission team from Oklahoma come and serve our local community and help make Eagles Nest a better place. They painted, cleaned, carried, built, loved and touched the lives of so many. We are so thankful for all you did University Heights and we hope you left knowing what a difference you made in the lives of so many.

 By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.~ John 13:35
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Monday, January 2, 2012

It's summer break here in Guatemala so today we had our Vacation Bible School. The kids were all so excited and they just kept coming and coming...

We loved that the classrooms were filled to the brim. :)

Todd found these 2 sweeties outside peaking in the windows of the church and invited them in...

Seeing them literally ripped my heart out. I don't know if I will ever get used to seeing such poverty... and I am pretty sure God feels the same way.

Standing in the front of the church I looked out the window and this is what I saw...

A rainbow...

And I was reminded once again that while all we may be able to offer these children today is a cookie and a bible story~ what they find IN HIM is worth more than all the treasures this world holds.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
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